Shiny is Good! => Your Project => Topic started by: Pintopower on December 10, 2009, 07:47:12 PM

Title: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: Pintopower on December 10, 2009, 07:47:12 PM
So I needed rear speakers for my 77. Well, cutting anything is a BIG no no so I designed a box for the wagon that is interchangeabl e between my Pangra wagon, my White CW and my Blue wagon. It has tw0 6x9's running at a constant 40 w (150 max) with a 80 watt (200 max) constant amp. The boxes are sealed minus a 5/8" bore to the front left of the speakers. The seams are siliconed from the inside and I wrapped the box with some black vinyl I had. They angle at the rear window and the sound bounces off and right back into the cabin of the car. This is accentuated with the installation of a 4x6 speaker running off the deck (with the front channels bridged) to give the front of the cabin some sound. It is simply there for a hint of sound (the radio is set at 30% F and 70% R). When turned on the sound is simply amazing. It blew my socks off! I would have never believed that those speakers would have pumped out that much bass. The sound is crisp and full and when in the car. The sound does not come from the front or rear, but rather and all encompassing harmonic experience, thats the best way I can describe it. I am so happy with how it came out, and best off, NOTHING was cut or damaged. I even ran all the wiring prior to the carpet installation. The auxiliary fuse box that I installed is another work of art but thats another story!

Oh and did i mention that the box lights up?

I think the total cost of this build was about 5 hours. That's it. I had everything else from parts cars and crap I found at the junkyard, including the lights for the box!
Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: smallfryefarm on December 10, 2009, 08:00:34 PM
Great job pintopower, neat and clean.
Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: Pintopower on December 10, 2009, 11:16:27 PM
Thanks! The upholstery is amateur but it works and more importantly the sound aspect is great. Honestly I can't believe it.
Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: dave1987 on April 22, 2012, 11:32:03 PM
I hope you don't mind but I used your idea for rear 6x9 speakers in brownie. Tweaked it a bit to use the 10" sub between the speakers and I'm staining the plywood rather than covering it. A great idea you have had here!
Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: carbomb on April 25, 2012, 12:11:48 AM
i did something like this at first. then i cut holes in the doors and the back panels. i wanted the space back since i drive it everyday. now i have a 500 watt amp hooked to 2 6x9's and 2 6 1/2s and 2 tweeters and a 750 watt kicker l7 12. I know what you mean about the sound coming off the rear glass. with the sub pointed up it was hardly noticeable and when i pointed it back it shakes my review mirror  :0 oh and i love your wagon! nothing is cooler than a crusin wagon!!
Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: DreamBean on April 28, 2012, 07:49:01 AM
Love IT
Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: dave1987 on April 28, 2012, 10:36:43 PM
Here is my box/setup in the rear of my 73 wagon. Surprisingly the pre-built 10" sub box I bought from Walmart fit perfectly and sung between the 6x9 enclosures. I was expecting it to be either just barely to big or slightly small, but it's not tight, but snug enough to keep it from sliding around! I didn't take any measurements of anything either, just cut the 6x9 enclosures to what I felt comfortable with.

I agree with Pintopower, the 6x9s sound great in the back by themselves, I too found it surprising how good it sounded without the sub, but I like to have some bass for when I'm listening to some newer rock or techno (Trance to be accurate). Without the sub, I found myself anticipating some sort of bass drop when the beat started but it all sounded to empty.

For anything 90s or earlier when it comes to alternative, classic rock, or even country (newer too), the lack of a subwoofer is fine, as the 6x9s fill the cabin with sound nicely and evenly.

Title: Re: Wagon Speaker Box
Post by: D.R.Ball on April 29, 2012, 12:52:55 AM
Those look nice, but I went the cheap route and used two assemble it yourself speaker boxes and longer speaker wires. Works great and I can use all of the room in the wagon for moving tools, parts (motorcycle right now).The speakers do not move around either.