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Project Warhead

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--- Quote from: warhead2 on April 03, 2024, 08:02:32 AM --- I just got my welding Co2 tank filled back up after I made the mistake of leaving it on. I welded one wk came back a wk later went to turn the tank on and was like why is it so hard to turn on? Then it hit me to try and turn it the other way. I'm not going to make that mistake again. Luckily its not a very expensive one only $35 to fill back up. 

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How big is your tank? Mine is roughly a 6" diameter and 24"" tall (less the valve). Back in 2020 it cost me  $62 for Argon/Co2. Here in California a bit more than half that cost is the gas itself, the rest are "fees." But, yea, I HATE when the tank is left open. Talk about "throwing your money to the wind." Now I close the valve and check it at least three times and then every day for about three days after. The good news is that (assuming I have closed the valve) I get well over 5 years out of a tank, but that is also a testament to what I'm NOT getting done. :(

--- Quote from: warhead2 on April 03, 2024, 08:02:32 AM ---
  I just got my welding Co2 tank filled back up after I made the mistake of leaving it on. I welded one wk came back a wk later went to turn the tank on and was like why is it so hard to turn on? Then it hit me to try and turn it the other way. I'm not going to make that mistake again. Luckily its not a very expensive one only $35 to fill back up. 

--- End quote ---

How big is your tank? Mine is roughly a 6" diameter and 24"" tall (less the valve). Back in 2020 it cost me  $62 for Argon/Co2. Here in California a bit more than half that cost is the gas itself, the rest are "fees." But, yea, I HATE when the tank is left open. Talk about "throwing your money to the wind." Now I close the valve and check it at least three times and then every day for about three days after. The good news is that (assuming I have closed the valve) I get well over 5 years out of a tank, but that is also a testament to what I'm NOT getting done.  :(

Oh, and also, YET AGAIN I type in the typing pane and it shows as a 10 point font (I left it to be seen - or better said not). Yet when it posts it is tiny to the max! I have to copy the whole text, reset it to 10 point and only then is it correct.

My tank is 80 CF almost 3ft tall 32in. Yeah after this mess up I'm definitely checking it twice. Also I'm in Oklahoma,  so not alot of BS fees added on for refill.

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Small update got my battery tray area welded 98% just have a few pin holes to touch up and grind my welds. Its not pretty but its not going to be visible to anyone. Plan on getting the Ryobi 3in cutoff tool in the next wk which will make cutting metal easier than a grinder with cut off wheel. Small progress but its progress

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Congratulations! After 15 days without a new post here at the PCCA you broke the curse. :D

 Frankly I don't know how people get nice welds working with old sheet metal. I'll grind off ALL the paint and rust on both sides, wipe it down with acetone, back it with a copper plate if it seems necessary and on one setting the weld will pile up and show little penetration. Then at the next higher setting it will repeatedly blow holes in the metal (which is why I backed it with copper). It is like you can't win. As you said, no one will see it.

I'm glad to see you've made progress.  I will be posting some small steps I made on mine this weekend.  Keep going...don't give up!


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