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Pinto Powered Mustang Roadster

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Last week I took the subframe to a sandblaster to get it blasted and epoxy primed.  I hope to have it back soon so I can fab the transition from the Mustang frame to the Pinto Frame.  Over the weekend I fabricated under-seat floor patches for the Mustang section and welded them in place.  I welded the Pinto Parking brake mount in the Mustang's driveshaft hump.  I cut the Mustang parking brake cable mounts off the frame and relocated them to the underside behind the rear seat.  What was left of the cables fit perfectly to the Pinto Parking brake mechanism.  I placed the rear seat and inner quarter panels in place to see what it will look and feel like.  Of course I sat in it, pressed the accelerator and pretended to "drive" it!  Next weekend I plan to start sanding the body with a plan to spray epoxy primer Labor Day weekend.  I hope to have the subframe back by then so I can fab the transition, pin the two frame assemblies together, then take it to a welding shope and have everything welded up solidly and professionally . 

I got the sub frame back from the sand blaster in epoxy.  Looks good.  There is some Swiss Cheese in the bottom of the lower frame rails but that will be boxed in after my transition piece from the Mustang Frame to the into sub frame is inside the rails.  I got a new tank of Argon/CO2 for the welder yesterday so I will be back on it this weekend.  I picked up some 80 and 400 grit sandpaper so the sanding starts this weekend with the goal of spraying the epoxy primer Labor Day weekend.

Progress:  Wire wheeled, sanded, and scrubbed the last two weekends.  Today I shot epoxy primer.  It's sealed from the elements and I can do a little body work before I put it away for the season.  The bodywork will consist of filling my welding seams and smoothing out areas that can use it.  I fabricated my transition piece to get me from the Mustang frame to the Pinto sub frame and it's at the welder's shop.  I hope to get it back this week so next weekend I can tie the two frames together, then take the whole assembly back to the welder to get everything tied together properly.  After that I can bolt the engine back into its frame and wheel it into the corner till Spring!


--- Quote from: rob289c on September 06, 2020, 04:20:14 PM --- ... It's sealed from the elements and I can do a little body work before I put it away for the season. ...

--- End quote ---

I forgot many people close up their pools after labor day in areas like upstate NY. And here I am in the nicer area of So. Cal. (typically 80's or less in summer/ 60's at night) and it is 109 with predictions as high as 115!!!

We had several days in the 90's this Summer with essentially no rain in Jun and into July but now were into the 70's and there will be a few straggler days in the 80's but it's all downhill from here.  I will close my pool next weekends.  It doesn't get used much after mid-August so it's a waste of electricity and chemicals to keep it open.  It's going to rain on and off all day today.y

Trike Content: It's 6:00 AM here; in a few minutes I will go out to see if the primer is full cured. 


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