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My pandemic project!

Started by Dtmix, November 14, 2020, 11:21:36 AM

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Two scores and three weeks ago,ummm,oh, yeah, this is a Pinto website not a Lincoln  one! My bad...

Anyway, I purchased my first Pinto as a high school senior, a 1979 station wagon with the exterior decor group (not a woody) with a 2.3 liter 4-banger and a stick shift. It had the paint option of Medium Red Glow. I purchased it from my dad's colleague at Hancock AFB when it was a year old, as he got himself a bigger car. It proved to be an awesome car for a kid going away to college! It carried all of my worldly goods back and forth between home and the University every summer recess. Not to mention all the road trips up and down the coast to visit college chums, girlfriends, and road trips on spring break!

Needless to say, I ended up trading it in for a Toyota Corona, which was also a great car...but that's another story for a different day! Since then, I regretted selling the Pinto as it was my first car...just like your first love! I have kept in touch with my friends over the years, and without fail, they would bring up my Pinto! We all had great times and memories!

Two years ago, I started looking for my first car and was not surprised that it was no longer around being a car in the Salt state of New York. Therefore, I did a national search across the country using many websites and search engines of reputable car clubs and magazines like Hemmings. My first car color was no where to be found! I did come across two. One was a basket case Runabout, and the other was a hot-Rodded Wagon with a blank Cruising Wagon panels.  I have nothing against retsomods and hot-rods as they are unique and mostly well-crafted, but I wanted a stock wagon just like my first car...I finally expanded my search to include all colors and did inquire on two...a red wagon in Michigan and a brown one in Palm Beach, and had both inspected by a classic car appraisal firm.

When both inspections passed my standards, things became rather challenging! The red one was priced at 6000 and it was restored as new. As I made an offer, I learned that he decided to consign the car with a classic car dealer. The price doubled. As I attempted to meet them half way between the old and new price, another classic car dealer in Sarasota brought it as I called to finalize the deal. That car price is now nearly $16,000 and still remains for sale there. A nice car, but I bowed out. I moved on to the Hemmings Motor News ad in Palm Beach. Nice guy, but he was firm with his $15k asking price and the inspection shown that I would need to do additional work (weatherstrippi ng, tank draining, minor mechanical work like a tune up). I decided to bite the bullet and said that I would do the deal...he would not do escrow that I wanted to do to protect both sides. He may be honest, but after hearing so many horrific stories, I withdrew.

I was in despair thinking that I would never find one...and ready to throw in the towel...when I decided to look again and to my surprise I found an ad of a private sale of a 1980 Pinto Squire Wagon in Venice, Florida several miles from my dads house. I called my brother and sister in law to take a look at it. It was priced reasonably leaving lots of room for any additional work it may have needed. Long story short...the seller lived a hour from me here in Ohio and the car is her Florida car in Venice. I tried to upload 4 pictures for your viewing, but the box popped up saying it does not allow JPEG. How do I convert it from JPEG to JPG format???

It is in very good condition as I purchased it from a 86 year old lady who inherited it from a 91 year old friend who died. It spend its life in Florida as a snowbird's winter car after the first year in Ohio. The body is amazingly rust free, and the interior is nearly immaculate other than the faded carpet. I plan to either re dye or replace the carpet and the vinyl sidewalls in the cargo bay as they are really faded. The color is Vaquero (H2) which is sort of reddish brown and impossible to find the carpet in that color. I was able to locate the carpet with SMS Auto Fabrics in Canby, Oregon.

I was amazed that I found NOS wood siding at Green Sales in Cincinnati. I plan to strip the faded siding and replace with the new one. The paint is in really good condition so I plan to leave it as is (Bright Bittersweet 2G). Mechanically, it runs well when warmed up...but when started cold, it sounds like an old geezer with COPD! I think I am spoiled by fuel injection these days so it was like a shock at first! I had to retrain myself in starting procedures as unlike a fuel injection engine, I have to turn the key on, not start, and pump slowly three or four times and then start. Its starts right up and you don't have to do the steps to start the car again until the next day as it starts fine as a warmed engine.

I completed a tune up, replaced all the fluids, gaskets, filters, PCV, and the like. Hopefully that will improve the cold starts. As it was a Florida car, the previous owner's mechanic bypassed the heater core, as they apparently don't need heat. I plan to reinstall it and hopefully there is no problem with the heater box as there must be a reason of bypassing it? I plan to replace both if needed be in the Spring while doing the AC recharge/conversion.

As the auto-shipping firm damaged the lower front valance panel loading or unloading the car, I faced the task of seeking a replacement. I was unsuccessful in doing so with dismantling yards, eBay, NOS parts retailers, and the like. It was frustrating as the panel as whole was in very good condition with the bolt holes on one side broken off. I saw on this Pinto website about Showcars Unlimited in Foxboro, Ontario. I contacted him and he sells spoilers but had no valance panels as he was unable to find one that was not damaged to create a mold. I explained about mine, and he was excited as he wanted one to create a mold of. He said that he could try to rebuilt the bolt bracket piece and then create a new mold. I agreed and shipped him the panel. I will keep you updated as that might become a source for you to replace your damaged or missing valance panels of your 1979 or 1980 units if he proves successful in replicating it by making fiberglass molds. Fingers crossed!

Another area in need of my attention is the powered rack and pinion steering rack as it is leaking from the boots. It seems to steer just fine, so I am wondering if it could be rebuilt or should I simply replace it with a new unit? That'll be my summer project in 2021.

The tires...OMG! I thought that would be an easier item to locate. 165/80-13 wsw are rarer than hens teeth! I have a set on back order with Coker Tire, and just been notified it will not arrive until Jan 2021!!! I already had one tire go flat due to dry rot, so I replaced it with a trailer tire so I can move it around or drive it locally. What are you folks doing for tires on yours?

Oh golly, I yakked your ear off enough already!

Happy Motoring!
Happy Motoring!


As I know that some of you have been following my project under the General Pinto Talk section of the forum, but it appears that this is where I should post my pictures. Thanks to Matt and Wittsend in showing me how to reduce the sizes so it can be added. Fingers crossed!

The first few is when I purchased the car in Florida, and these were taken at my brothers house before the car carrier shown up to take it back up to Ohio. The exterior shots include three sides. The last picture is from a brochure that looks like an identical twin to mine!

Happy Motoring,
Happy Motoring!


Now, the is in remarkable good condition other than fading of the carpets and plastic pieces. The dash is crack-free as well with a period-correct GPS (compass) LOL! The sunvisor needs to be redone due to the previous owner clipping on so many pieces, including vanity mirror, garage door opener, and guardian angel icons. I have located tier vinyl fabric from SMS auto fabric in Canby, Oregon to restore it including the inner padding. I enclosed a snapshot of the fabric samples. I also ordered the carpet from them as well. They contact with ACC carpets but using the original template and special ordered color of Vaquero (Ford color code HZ). They just arrived, so I hope to have it installed next week while Im on vacation. I will post the after pictures. Here's the before pictures:
Happy Motoring!


Fabric samples from SMS auto fabric Inc.
Happy Motoring!


Cargo Bay..see the side panels, it has faded and scratches. It will be redone using SES interior paint dye. Cargo Bay Carpet was covered with a blanket for its entire life, so I plan to keep that while replacing the faded carpet in the passenger area.
Happy Motoring!


When the previous owner passed away in 2008, her best friend inherited the car. Unlike the deceased owner who had a garage, she had a carport, which explains why the driver's side wood appliqué are more faded and worn than the passenger side that was covered and up against her home. As I mentioned before, I located wood siding appliqués to cover both sides and tailgate. I hope to have that done during this winter while the car is hibernating.
Happy Motoring!


If you look closely to the steering wheel (see interior shot) you can see the black trim in the horn pad is broken. I found the piece under the seat, and would like to repair it. Other than just gluing it with cracks showing, how do I repair and conceal the cracks? If I were to sand it and repaint it, it creates another dilemma...the scratches from the sand paper is likely to show through, and the chrome paint on its edges would need to be reapplied. How do you folks do this?
Happy Motoring!


It's not black or cheap, but it might work for you. The wood inlay would match your side trim. There may be others for sale on line for less. I think Ford used this design on many cars, for years.



You are not's pricy, but again where would I find another? Sigh...before I bite the bullet, how can I find the part nbr so I can ensure it'll fit? It's advertised for LTDs but I would imagine all steering wheels would be standardized by Ford? I'll take your word, if you feel confident that it will fit? I wonder if I can counter offer? How low can I go without offending him or her?

Thanks for finding this as I looked high and low without success!

Happy Motoring,
Happy Motoring!


The part number is listed in the eBay add when you scroll down. Before I spent the money on the part, I'd remove the broken part off of your Pinto to make sure it was the same as in the eBay add, front and back. If it was my car and my broken part and it matched the eBay part front and back, I'd buy the part. (If I decided to spend the money) The add says the part is returnable for thirty days, but you pay shipping costs. It does appear that there aren't a whole lot of these parts available new. Once you remove the part, you may find that you can repair it good enough to be happy with it repaired.


I counteroffered, but they declined but did remove the shipping cost. I accepted it. Fingers crossed that it is as described! Thanks so much for locating It! I have tried many variations such as horn button, auto trim etc.

Happy Motoring!
Happy Motoring!


You're welcome. I'm glad to hear he at least dropped the shipping cost for you. I hope it turns out to be exactly what you were looking for. It'll go nicely with your new side paneling.



Love the pictures!  It looks like you scored a true gem among late model wagons and are striving to bring it to absolute perfection!  It looks great and I'll be interested watching as you tackle all the little details that will make it truly outstanding! 

Dwayne :)
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


Yes, I think the wood grain trim will be perfect for the steering wheel as the car has the interior decor group which means the shift bezel, e-brake handle, and dashboard all have wood trim pieces. I wondered why not the steering wheel? Maybe it was an oversight on the assembly line or it was replaced? Your guess is as good as mine. Thanks for locating it for me!

As for the other respondent, I am glad that you are enjoying my project as much as I am! I will keep you posted as I move along.

For those watching the tire issue of mine, I was successful getting through with Coker Tire after they told me that my back order for the 165/80-13 Maxxis WSW tires were delayed once again. I told them about this club and how it was advised that 175 or 185 would be a better fit. They did the calculations and said it would be similar but 3/4 inch taller but the same in every other way. As I already have the dry rotted 175 on the car, I knew it would still fit despite being slightly taller. They e mailed me a chart along with the mph/revolution differences which is also slight (1 to 2 mph reading difference). They had that size in stock!!! I switched my order and they are to arrive this Friday!!! Yahoo! I will let you know how Friday goes!

Happy Motoring,

Happy Motoring!


Two new updates on my Pandemic Project...

First, the tires finally arrived from Coker Tire! I had a local garage install them ($22 per tire) as I did not have the equipment to do the task myself. Just as you predicted, the difference in appearance was not obvious despite being slightly taller (175/80R-13 Maxxis WSW). The WSW were 5/8th inches which is perfect for the time period! It rode much better than the trailer tire it had on one wheel due to lack of size availability! Chuckling...

Secondly, the steering wheel horn bar's trim piece also arrived. One member found this online for me as I was unable to locate one to replace the broken trim piece. Perfect fit (not yet installed, just a test fit). I am tickled to see the improvements these little things makes the car!

Tomorrow, I will be tackling the interior by having carpets replaced, installation of the horn bar trim, replacement of broken seat belt sleeves, and other details. I will farm out the re-dying the interior plastic panels to an upholstery shop as I felt they can do a better job than I can as they are the experts.

As the exterior is my next project, does anyone know how to properly remove the wood trim piece that surrounds the wood siding? What kind of clips does it use? I would imagine the removal would determine the methodology for removal. I also feel that before tackling this, I probably should order replacement clips as some probably will break...hence the need to know type of clips to get ahold of. I would imagine these would be difficult to locate as NOS, so which fastener hardware company would you suggest that I reach out to for these clips?

I will keep you posted!

Happy Motoring!
Happy Motoring!


Hey Dan,
Post some pics when you get your interior put together. I'm anxious to see how it looks. I'd also like to see some pics of your new Coker tires on your car. Your paint looks good, are you going to do a repaint or paint restoration before you put on the new woodgrain?


Nice to hear from you! Sure, I will be sure to take pictures when I tackle the interior in the upcoming week! The same for Coker Tire. Diamondback also has the sizes and will do white walls in any width that you want. Coker is 5/8 inch wsw. Both companies have good websites to look, and will send you printed catalogs upon request. 

No, I do not plan to repaint the car, as the paint is in remarkable condition. Once the wood grain is removed, I will be sure to take a picture before reapplying the new ni-noc applique. The paint will be attended to by clay bar, some paint corrective methods to regain the shine to the chalked/faded paint as well as to remove fine scratches. Fingers crossed. The only part that was repainted was the rear drivers side wheelwell when I experienced a tire blow out. The steel cords of the tire scraped the paint and chewed up the mud flap. Sigh...I was amazed to locate a NOS factory mud flap! Other than that spot, all of the paint is original from the factory!

If it wasn't for the peeling wood grained moldings, faded wood siding, and gas spillover damage to the wood siding, I would've kept the original siding. I was able to locate NOS wood applique at Green Sales in Cincinnati as well as reproduction siding with a company in California...I think it's called Custom Interiors or something like that.  I can look it up for you if you wish. It was spot on...incredibly so! As tempted I was to go with NOS pieces, I felt that dealing with the reproduction would be easier as its new from 3M and if I needed more, I can was get more. The price was a little less, about 200 less, which isn't that big of a difference considering the size of order.  I will take a picture of the sample against the existing siding the next time if I out to the garage so you can see for yourself. I welcome any suggestions or thoughts!

Happy Motoring!
Happy Motoring!


From the way it looks in the pics, when your paint is done being clayed, touched up and polished it's going to look better than new. I just saw today that you bought your Pinto wagon in Venice, FL. I bought the '75 Pinto hatch that I now own in Venice, CA. It was dented, broken (grille), and scratched on every body panel, roof and bumpers included. I haven't done anything to it appearance wise other than metal working the body damage out a bit, cutting the bumpers and fixing the grille. I've have tinkered with the engine, suspension and weight and it runs and handles well. The red gas cap in the pic is off of the Pinto Pony I bought new in 1979. Had to buy a locking cap due to the gas shortage and people syphoning gas.
Take care


Thanks, and that's my intention to bring it back as original as possible as there aren't as much of these out there considering bazillion of these being made out there! I appreciate yours as well as others making an effort to save what is left out there. Venice appears to have been good to both of us despite being the opposite coasts!😎

Let me know if there's anything you are seeking for yours as I am keeping my eyes peeled open for anything for mine. I do see that you have formulated a solution for your front valance panel of your own!👍🏻 I am keeping fingers crossed for mine by reaching out to showcars unlimited in Ontario. I shipped my damaged unit to them as Rob is hoping to repair mine and to re-create a mold to make them available for others, albeit being of the 1979 and 1980 vintage. I will keep out an eye for the ones for your vintage. I cannot remember if it was you or not who mentioned a workaround by taking a rear valance from an older Maverick and bending the ends to fit the fronts of Pintos. Pretty creative solution, heh?
Happy Motoring!


Your car is going to be a collectable when you're done with it. My guess would be that there aren't a lot of 1979-80 Squire wagons around any more. My brother had a Squire wagon decades ago, the woodgrain was so faded you could hardly see it. He'd take a bottle of ArmorAll and spray it and wipe it down, and it would look like new again. "I haven't seen a Pinto in a long time", is what I hear the most from people when they see the car.

My valance is 1/8" aluminum with a scoop set up under the radiator. The main things I would like to get for my car is an 8" rear end and a t5 trans. Ford didn't put a front or rear lower valance on the '75's, so once you trim the bumpers everything below them hangs out in the open. I could use early model front and rear valances, but they'd need to be adapted to clear the telescoping tubes. I hadn't heard of the Maverick valance being adapted for a Pinto. Creative solutions for sure, I need to get a big Mickey Mouse sticker for my back bumper!
Take care,


My, time flies! I didn't realize at least a week or so passed without an update! My apologies... I decided to address the body work before tackling the carpet as I felt the body shop guys may track in grease, grime, and dirt. As you may remember, I had a tire blowout a month or so ago and the steel cords of the tire chewed up the lower driver's side behind the rear wheel well. Also, as you all know if a person does not take the time to retract the driver's seatbelt, it gets slammed in the door chipping paint on the door still.

I decided to have that cleaned up and repainted. Only the driver's door still to the rear driver's side tirewell will be redone. The rest of the car will keep its original coat as it is such in good condition. It is to be ready by next Wednesday. I will be sure to post before n after pics.

Once that's done, I will tackle the interior and hopefully have it done before Christmas! I will keep y'all posted, and will make sure pics are taken as well!

Happy Motoring,
Happy Motoring!


It's me again! I am planning ahead, and have a question that I am sure that has been debated at some point. I was unable to find a forum string, so I am posting it here, and you can direct me as to where I can find it.

My question pertains to motor oil...I am told that for a car as old as mine, I should purchase 10W-30 oil with high zinc content, such as Hemmings or PennGrade Synthetic-blend. However, I know that zinc was reduced over the years due to its destructive nature to catalyst, how did you address this issue with your Pintos?

I have been using conventional oil with the Pinto, despite my loyalties for synthetic oil in all of my daily drivers. The reason being is I am unsure how to proceed from here and out. All the paperwork that came with the car indicated a ritualistic oil change every 3000 miles using 10W-30 conventional oil. Most appears to be of Castrol brand.

Thanks for your help!!!

Happy Motoring,
Happy Motoring!


The owners manual for my 77 says to use an oil with SE spec. Looks like that oil specified  zinc of 1000 and phosphorus of 1200 ppm. So you can use those numbers to find a something close to that era. I use Mobile 1 10-40 in mine but zinc/ phos is 900/800. If you can " live" with the viscosity you could check out the specs on Mobile  1 15-50. If I had a car with a freshly overhauled Boss 429 I'd probably buy the most expensive oil available. But for a 40 plus year old Pinto engine it's difficult to pass up a 5 quart jug from Walmart.( plus they carry the FL-1filter)



Scott Hamilton

Quote from: davidpinto on January 05, 2021, 10:08:57 AM
Cardone, cool- another tidbit in case I need to have mine done, thanks!
Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)

Scott Hamilton

Love your posts on you wagon- keep em coming!
Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


Yikes, I been away too long that I need to reply to several of your postings and do some updating! I'll tackle them all right now!

1.)Wow! What a nice surprise to hear from you, Scott Hamilton! I have heard so many positive comments about you as the website founder and Pinto Guru!!! I hope to meet you one day...will you be attending the Pinto Stampede this summer (provided that pandemic is under control)? I have registered for it, and it is a strong incentive for me to get my car done!, rest assured that I will keep plugging in  my pictures and postings as I advance forward.

2.) As for the steering rack, I will give Cardone a try, but instead of sending it in and wait three months for it to be overhauled, I will purchase their remanufactured unit and send my old one in as a core. I will make sure that it is an actual OEM rack that is remanufactured rather than just any rack as I wish to keep my Pinto as original as possible, not to mention making the installation easier! I will let you guys know once I speak with Cardone to determine where they obtained the racks to begin with. I have to assess what parts, hoses, lines, gaskets, etc that I will need to order to complete the install. Should I consider doing the auxiliaries such as upper and lower control arms, ball joints, etc. while they seems to be okay?

3.) I appreciated the response to my oil question, but I am still confused as sludge! Chuckling...Let me rephrase it differently... Should I be worried about the zinc and phosphorus levels? Does the Pinto's 2.3 engine need it? If yes, What about the Catalyst? I was under the impression that these chemical compounds would be harmful? I was told SE oils are no longer made as they are obsolete due to high zinc and phosphorus content. Every oil manufacturer website were uninformative in this regard. I could not find a good chart or search feature that would recommend the best matching Oil as for the engines needs.

4.) Update on my pandemic project is that a number of things have been accomplished! 😀I got the carpet replaced, the side plastic panel and pieces redyed to match. The carpet was an easy install, with my breaking only one seat bolt. All the rest came out easily as they were not corroaded. The color is not as exact as I had hoped, but that's probably because I know it's replaced and the color's name keeps bugging me...SMS contracted ACC for the carpets, which the cut, backing, and foot- rest mat were exact replica...however, they do not use the Ford color names. The Ford color for mine is Vaquero, which is like a reddish brown and not a common color for Pinto interior. ACC calls it Ruby Red, and at first, I told them that cannot be right...sure enough, it was a nearly exact match when you compare it to the old carpet under the seat.

As for the color dye that I used to redo the faded side panels, lower door kick panels, and steering wheel column was pricey as $275 a gallon! I was expecting the cost to be similar to car paints. I took a deep breath and paid the piper, as I wanted to get rid of the interior's faded whitish appearance. Prior to dying, I prepped the plastics by light blasting the material using soft/fine course media, as sandpaper would leave scratches into the plastic that would show through the dye, even when smoothed.

My biggest problem area of the dye job was regarding the wheel well top, where they line up under the windows. That's where the water had pooled atop the wheel arch whenever it rained with the quarter windows were left open. As you recall, this was a car from Florida where it spent its entire life...yup, Florida is famous for sudden monsoon-like rain showers and the next minute, the sun breaks and boils the pooled water. Over 40 years of this phenomenon, It left a depression on the plastic where it had puddled. Regardless of repeated efforts, I was unable to rid of the depression marks. The outlines of the depression shows through the new dye, but the color and general evenness was very good otherwise. Again, I know of the existence, but maybe a layperson would not notice. However, Knowing my fellow Pinto connoisseurs, they will notice! 😉Any suggestions?

The sun visors have not been returned from SMS, where I sent my old one to be redone. They say it'll be here in about a week. I will report on this once it arrives. It was an easy removal, and I bagged the screws for its re installation. SMS has the Vaquero Tier Vinyl materials so it will be an exact match. See earlier pictures of samples I posted.

5.) The tires from Coker is finally installed, and it is hard to tell that it is 3/4 of an inch taller than the original tires. The equivalent to the A78-13 was 165-80R-13 was on back order until February, and I had already experienced a tire blowout due to dry-rot. I couldn't put it off any further so I accepted 175-80R-13 instead. It is WSW Maxxis brand, a brand that I am not familiar with, but seems to ride nicely. I ordered the 5th one along with a rim to use as a spare. The Pinto still has the space saver spare that's never been down. I will store that in a safe place.

6.) Due to the aforementioned tire blowout, the rear wheel well and lower fender was damaged by the steel belt cords. It was painful to me, as the paint of the car is all original and now I had to have that part repaired. A local shop that specializes in older cars did the job, and it came out nicely...but for one thing, he had some overspray on the leaf spring. Arrgghh! I will use some matte black paint to cover it. The nickel-sized rust spot on the corner of one window was also repaired while he was at it. Looks great! The rest of the car sports it's original paint, as it is in very good condition. I hope to preserve it as long as I can!

7.) I just dropped the car off at a high-end body wrap specialist that does logo and wraps for commercial vans, police cars, and custom tuners to have the wood grain appliqués redone. I decided to replace it as the top half is faded and chalky with some cracking and peeling. I know some people feel I could have done it myself, but after viewing videos, testing samples, and the enormity of the task, I felt overwhelmed and decided it was above my skill set. They agreed that I can come and watch or do pictures, so I will be doing that. Be on the lookout for the pictures in the near future! The same as for photos of interior work, paint, and tires.

Happy Motoring!!
Happy Motoring!


FYI.there was 3 different racks listed.had to measure length of the input shaft to get the correct one.i could'nt just order one.cardone did not even have a core to rebuild.that was 5 yrs ago,don't know about now.good luck to you.



Thanks for sharing your experience, and I decided to double-check the listing on Rock Auto:,1980,pinto,2.3l+140cid+l4,1135268,steering,rack+and+pinion,7388

When checking, I did notice three of the four Cardone racks requires that I am to send the unit to them for remanufacturing.  However, I did notice Cardone also has one power rack and pinion steering rack available to purchase, albeit pricey at $315 vs. the first option for $128. The listing for the core exchange is no longer there. I will reach out to them to get additional information about the pricey rack to see how complete it is, and if it is an OEM part (i.e. was it from a Pinto or a generic fit)?

I did not think about the measurements for that input shaft.  I assumed they were all the same with the exception of two or three mounting holes. From what point to wha tpoint shall I measure this so I can have the information on hand when ordering?

Thanks so much for pointing this out...

Happy Motoring!
Happy Motoring!


measure the input shaft from the housing up to the end of knurled shaft.think the options are 2 1/2-2 1/4 or 2 in.long.