No did not have to merge the two harness, just added to it, the pinto harness just has a few wires that deal with the engine , one is for spark , the others is for water and oil idiot lights, so what I do is to keep it simple is treat the engine and computer as one system, wire it all on one side , plugs for sensors ,TPS sensors, ign harness and any other sensors, like temp air charge , vss, O2 , and use a relay to turn it all on , the org wire to the coil will turn on the relay , or in short it's like running a computer controlled engine on the shop floor, not like the old engine you hook up a fuel can to the fuel pump and a hot wire to a coil , done this to my last one , I do this in case I have a short and do not have engine computer wires crossing the pinto wires, but to each there own, keep it neat , or the hair you pull out later will leave a large bald spot on each side of your head 😜