« Last post by rob289c on September 09, 2024, 08:43:37 AM »
I made a little progress over the weekend, although it doesn't seem like I did. I installed the two, rear quarter glass assemblies. The job didn't go all that well. I had cleaned the glass and tracks a few weeks ago, but I still had to clean the regulators. One of the regulators had a bent arm and I'm not sure if I bent it back to the correct position. It may still be a little off. Anyway, I did the passenger side first as that was the demonstration on the You Tube video I watched over and over and started and stopped through the process. It doesn't seem to go up and down through the full travel. I think I may have to start over. I did the driver's side and it seems to go up and down better but there is still some irregularity and doesn't seem "quite right". I did replace the rollers on both sides so that isn't (shouldn't) be the problem. It is an awkward job with limited visibility but I think I have the process down pretty well with all the fumbling around I had to do. Last evening I watched another video that used a different method, but in the end, the result should be the same. Sometimes when you take a break and try again it goes more smoothly. I also discovered that 68 window cranks are different from 67. My regulators are 67 (65-67 are the same), but my window cranks are from a 68 that I got from a junkyard when I got the inner quarter panels. They don't go on. I will have to order two for a 65-67. They are only $15 ea, but the problem seems to be the set screw is crappy. It is slotted, while the original is allen. Hopefully I can use the set screw from the 68 handles as long as Ford didn't have a "Better Idea" and change the thread from 67 to 68!
That was all the time I got on my project (most of Sunday). On Saturday I weeded a garden that was overgrown and cleaned gutters and downspouts. I knew both needed to be done but I put it off all Summer as my goal was to get this project in paint. I still have other "didn't get to it" projects from he Summer that need done before the weather changes. This time of year work ramps up and my time gets scarce so every minute has to count. This coming weekend I have other events scheduled that will prevent me from making as much progress as I would like but I do plan to spray some interior parts black as the weather will be conducive.