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Pinto Owners, Car Shows, Do you Attend?

Started by Scott Hamilton, September 21, 2012, 12:58:46 PM

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Of the Pinto owners who visit our site, Do you attend Car shows, Crusis or Local meets?

Yes, and I bring my Pinto
60 (61.9%)
Yes, but the Pinto stay's at home
12 (12.4%)
Yes, but only Pinto events with or without my Pinto
2 (2.1%)
No, infrequently I may go to a few in a couple of years.
22 (22.7%)
No, Never gone to one, Not intrested.
1 (1%)

Total Members Voted: 94

Scott Hamilton

What do you think? Are you a Car buff that attends anything related to cars in your area and 200 miles around or are you just milidly intrested in shows etc, you just like to drive your Pinto.
Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


I am not a waxer,more of a function over form guy.
The 79 Turbo wagon gets interest and its not even
close to finished. It wears the original 79 paint
and is getting the 2.3T suckthru setup.A
T5 and the 8.8 with 4.10s are ready to install.

The 72 302 car will get attn but it hasnt been out of the shop yet.
It has been parked since I got it while we finish up the other
9( thats correct) projects. I am a sucker for a good deal on any Ford.

We have a local small show on the first Friday of
every month at the Deli and there is one on the 3rd Sat
of the month next to the Sonic.It is 4 miles to either and
people come from 60-70 miles for both.


I always tell people... I'm not a car guy, I'm a computer geek with a passion for Pinto's. With that said I consider my cars drivers but some are a little bit shiny. I go to the shows (15 of them this year and 2 parades) but my reason has more to do with the Pinto Stampede and raising awareness and donations for the Wounded Warrior Project on a local level vs wanting to show off my Pintos. I find myself enjoying the ones I travel longer distance to go to and have more to offer than just a car show. If I can add in a night of camping along with the show, all the better.

The Pinto I drive the most to the shows is my "Wounded Pinto" and trust me... it ain't shiny, pulls in a-smoking a bit and marks it's spot with the oil it leaks :)
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Personally, I love a good car show and I used to attend and participate in lots of them.  Unfortunately, the health issues of several of my family members have prevented me from being able to do that for the past several years.  Hope to get back to is someday!

Dwayne :)
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


I have been to three shows with my Pinto since I bought it.(1.75 years) Not a "SHOW CAR",but a daily driver with original paint/GII stripes/and yes rust! Still,was only Pinto in shows(100+ cars),and got LOTS of + looks and Pinto stories.Just a great way to have fun with our somewhat"RARE"toys.  Otto N Austin


I go to car shows but more often than not the Pinto is broke down so it generally stays at home.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Well, Matty, I'm hoping your (and your Pintos) luck will be changing for the better. I'm finding that, while it's alright to go to shows with other Pintos in them (the eye candy is great, and so is hanging with the Pintop Peeps) but there's nothing quite like being the only Pinto, or only bone-stock Pinto- in a car show. THe only reason I go to these is because my Ruby RedHot brings so many smiles to peoples' faces that it really gives me a natural high. People actually stop by and THANK me for putting my Pinto in the show, and more than one person has claimed that my car was their favorite in each show. At Carlisle I was very very humbled at the awards me and my lil' dynamo got- mostly because I did not expect them, and not so sure I deserved them... but I have to say this-  the happiness my car brings to people at these hot rod and classic car shows comes pretty close. Not bad for a car that "everyone had but nobody liked", huh!?

One can never have too many Pintos!


the bobcat goes with me to about 10% of shows i go to. A lot of times im working during the shows around here so i stop by for about an hour when i get a chance. if i worked less im sure the bobcat would go 90% of the time.
1975 mercury bobcat 2.8 auto
1975 ford pinto - drag car - 2.3l w/t5 trans - project car


I think I am siding more with Becky on this one!

You know, actually, the most joy I get is not at a car show, but when I am going down the freeway and I hear a "toot toot" and look over and see a real big smile and a thumbs up!  Sometimes I get a shout out, "I love your car!"

I used to get made fun of driving a Pinto, but no more!!

Anything to keep her runnin'!


I'll be doing the Street Machine Nationals on Sept.29th if anyone wants
to stop by and say hi. It's not a show car, but I really like my Pinto.

Scott Hamilton

Quote from: cutelitlputtputt on September 23, 2012, 10:24:11 AM
I think I am siding more with Becky on this one!

You know, actually, the most joy I get is not at a car show, but when I am going down the freeway and I hear a "toot toot" and look over and see a real big smile and a thumbs up!  Sometimes I get a shout out, "I love your car!"

I used to get made fun of driving a Pinto, but no more!!


Yup, I agree with Jennifer on this one- Every time I drive my Runabout I get at least 3 thumbs up in various forms and I drive it every day...  Always get the 'second lookers- or retake looks' These cars have really turned the corner, they are desirable restoration cool rides, such a difference since the 90s.

I need to go to more car shows locally but have not had the gumsion- I just love driving it.
Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


I take my 80 Pinto to maybe 75 percent of Car shows and Cruise In's. A lot of times I luck up on one that I didn't know about. If I don't take it, Someone see's me and ask's "where is your Pinto?" I go to local and out of state shows. I just hate going to them by myself. Don't get me wrong, I get 95 percent positive reaction about the car.
I didn't have the car painted yet, But got a n invite to a show in a small town about 30 miles away. As me and the wife pull into the car show area, A local Cop says" I am sorry, But this is parking for the car show only" Before I could say anything, The speaks up and says" We are here for the car show, And This car will out run any police car that you have" He quickly said he was sorry and escorted me to my parking spot to see what was under the hood.
(sorry, didn't mean to hijack thread)
I love the shows and cruise ins.And yes i go as often as I can with my Pinto.
Go Ford, Go Fast Or Go Home!


Quote from: cutelitlputtputt on September 23, 2012, 10:24:11 AM
I think I am siding more with Becky on this one!

You know, actually, the most joy I get is not at a car show, but when I am going down the freeway and I hear a "toot toot" and look over and see a real big smile and a thumbs up!  Sometimes I get a shout out, "I love your car!"

I used to get made fun of driving a Pinto, but no more!!


I agree, Jennifer.  And... it's nice to see you post again.  You've been missed!

Dwayne :)
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


Hi Dwayne!!!  Maybe I will!!! 
This topic was too good to pass up!!

I think it is the small things in life that give the greatest pleasure!!!
Anything to keep her runnin'!

phils toys

Quote from: Scott Hamilton on September 21, 2012, 12:58:46 PM
What do you think? Are you a Car buff that attends anything related to cars in your area and 200 miles around or are you just milidly intrested in shows etc, you just like to drive your Pinto.
yes i do like most anything to do with cars  today we saw part if this  it is a ralley race for fun and mostly to help rase awareness for missing children
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


Quote from: cutelitlputtputt on September 23, 2012, 05:39:40 PM
Hi Dwayne!!!  Maybe I will!!! 
This topic was too good to pass up!!

I think it is the small things in life that give the greatest pleasure!!!

I think so too... and I LOVE that small orange Pinto of yours!!! ;D ;D ;D
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


I'm gonna side with Jennifer on this one! lol  ;D

Tommy, when I took Ruby RedHot to that Pacific Beach show several weekends ago I was also mistaken for a vendor or looker instead of a shower. After I told the security person I was there for the show, THEN the person apologized and sent me and Ruby through.
One can never have too many Pintos!

James Meter

Soon as mine's on the road Imma soup up to the 4 banger & mildly supercharge (NOT turbo) 'er..may not paint it for awhile, but like that 1st or 2nd dude said.. ''Function over Form'' I don't have a need out run the cops..I just wanna make my 'Frog' more slippery than your run-of-the-mill pig!
Bought my Pinto in '12, last tagged in '97. Had it on the road (thanks to a $20) spring '14. Tima to tear it apart, fix it correctly this time....and play with the drive train. Got a totally free & complete drive train-engine, 5 speed, drive shaft, and computer!


I often go to a car show hosted at a local restaurant. About 10 years ago the restaurant owner owned a brand new Viper, however he found a Bobcat wagon with 33,000 kilometres... he would take the Bobcat

74 PintoWagon

65 Falcon 2DR 200 IL6 with C4.


Don't go to any. Haven't since 2012.

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Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


For the most part, I've been away from car shows altogether for about five years.  Not from lack of interest; my life just sort of got turned upside down and inside out right after Carlisle in 2011.  Priorities changed.  Now, having worked through all that, my first car show attendance since 2011 turned out to be Carlisle 2016.  I wasn't there long because the weather was miserable, but long enough to reconnect with some old friends, see some really nice Fords of all descriptions, and re-ignite my fever.  I have a project going on in the background that I've been reluctant to discuss yet, but will do so soon... it's all coming together... that will mark my renewed participation in car shows.  Looking forward to it!

Dwayne :)
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


Here in So. Cal. we have car shows- ad nauseam. It seems like every school, church, or "good cause" has a car show any more as a fund raiser.  Throw in the the "cars & coffee" EVERY Saturday and pretty soon seeing the same cars over and over again is like walking through a dealers lot.

  What we don't have enough of is car shows with a swap area. And, sadly those that do have been significantly seen a reduction in participation. Somewhat local to me are the Mopar Spring/Fall Flings.  They are billed as "The Largest Mopar Car event West of the Mississippi.  I've attend these events for over 20 years now (lots of generic parts to be found, not just Mopar). Especially since the economy tanked the swap area is about 50%-60% of what it use to be. And, more and more it is either becoming  re-pop items or very obscure items few would need (dual plug Hemi valve covers) that the seller wants ridiculous money for.  Often the latter is someone who made a boatload of cash in their 20's-40's but as they approach 60 their income has dropped significantly and that 1980's $1,000 set of valve covers would seem to them (but few..., if any others) to still command a sizable return on the investment.

A month ago there was a greater L.A. Ford/Mustang show on a very prominent property ($10's of millions of dollars).  I was rather surprised that the volume of cars was limited given the population of the drawing area.  I could have seen everything quite well in half an hour.  And, I overheard some of the organizers stating if they came back next year it would be in the $10,000 range for the venue!!!

So, while I still appreciate a car show every now and then I don't take them all in and when I do I'm usually 50-50 on enjoying it.  Nothing is sadder than to see a car someone dropped $50,000+ on 10 years ago. And, today the colors, graphics, wheels, interior all look pristine - but severely dated.   I'd rather see "works in progress" and have a meaningful conversation with the builder than to hear some guy talking about spending $25,000 on the car "finished" he just bought.


Don't make many due to work schedule and not fond of paying for people to check out my car.  Care less about a trophy unlike father with 60k 57 chevy.

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Quote from: dga57 on July 20, 2016, 08:09:11 AM
For the most part, I've been away from car shows altogether for about five years.  Not from lack of interest; my life just sort of got turned upside down and inside out right after Carlisle in 2011.  Priorities changed.  Now, having worked through all that, my first car show attendance since 2011 turned out to be Carlisle 2016.  I wasn't there long because the weather was miserable, but long enough to reconnect with some old friends, see some really nice Fords of all descriptions, and re-ignite my fever.  I have a project going on in the background that I've been reluctant to discuss yet, but will do so soon... it's all coming together... that will mark my renewed participation in car shows.  Looking forward to it!

Dwayne :)
Still haven't gotten the bug back. Haven't had a reason to give a damn unfortunately. There is a car show I'm aiming for in a month. We will see if it happens.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


I understand... I've been there myself.  What I have going on at the moment however, has me more excited than I've been in years!  I'm looking forward to doing some car shows starting, probably, next Spring.

Dwayne :)
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


I go rarely and it's just to look around, not necessarily to enter.  I'd rather drive and smile when photos are taken of car on freeway.  Not the safest thing I witnessed but not bright either on other drivers part

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I did have a good time at the last car show I went to, was just checking the website of the club that organized it,
and they have a terrific overview of their show at the main page of their website; .
So here's the contest, find Donkey on this page!
I do think there is different kinds of shows though, I don't like the "fill town square in between the carnival and the harvest fair" kind of shows, that draw the same knowledgeable public as the other events.
I also don't like the posh vintage car events with owners on a champagne hangover that are actually going to drive their polished classics in the wild, endanger fellow road users, and call this a rally.
But that's just my personal opinion, there's shows to suit anybody's taste, be pickey!
Dwayne, you are getting me curious with your new project!


Quote from: 72DutchWagon on August 20, 2016, 02:50:54 PM

Dwayne, you are getting me curious with your new project!

If all goes according to plan, it will be coming to full fruition within the next thirty days!  And this time, computer ignorance aside, pictures WILL be posted!!!

Dwayne ;D
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


they have a car show once a month here in liberty,lots of really nice rides,i got to all of the cruise ins at pettys garage.when i pull in, love to see all those heads turn.the 2012 stampede was great glad we went.