Current Classifieds

Free 2.0L Valve Cover

Date: 01/03/2023 04:27 pm
Needed- Good 71-73 Rear End or parts- close to AL
Date: 09/15/2019 12:38 pm
Clutch/brake pedal assemble
Date: 12/21/2017 11:26 am
Pinto hubcap
Date: 01/07/2017 08:40 pm
2.0 Mickey Thompson SUPER RARE cam cover and belt guard
Date: 08/27/2018 11:11 am
1973 Bobcat Cruzin Wagon for Sale $4000 obo

Date: 04/13/2018 11:30 am
Seeking parts
Date: 10/18/2020 10:35 am
Front sway bar

Date: 07/23/2018 08:19 pm
(3) 1980 Ford Pinto Station Wagon Projects

Date: 03/15/2023 02:16 pm
Rear brake shoes

Date: 01/23/2017 05:01 pm
Need Mustang II Manual Transmission Mount
Date: 04/21/2017 02:03 pm
1971 Pinto instrument cluster clear bezel WTB
Date: 03/16/2017 10:00 pm

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Why should I sign up for a Membership/Account on the site?

Glad you asked!  Many features of this site are hidden, view-able to members only! ...8400 Members of our site and still growing!

1) The Ability to view members near your location to socialize, meet, and assist with your Pinto Project utilizing our Google Member Map currently showing a majority of actively participating members worldwide and their locations. You will also have the option to 'Pin' your location on the PCCA Map to let folks know where you are.

2) Free email address. Create '' email address similar to a 'Yahoo' account as your email address. Put your new email address on your Car Show contact cards, business cards or just email your mother-in-law... :)

3) Full access to the PCCA Meet and Members Gallery to view 11 years of meets and social occasions in detail at your leisure. Upgrade and Become a Charter Member and create your own Gallery managed by you on our site!

4) Register your Pinto in the PCCA Pinto Registry... Show/List your ride nation wide. Many producers and News professionals that are seeking a Pinto or Bobcat for various shoots and events utilize this resource to find cars for their production. You could be participating by listing your car on the PCCA Registry. (Restoration and re-work in progress, excuse our mess!)

5) Post FREE classified ads for parts needed or Pinto for sale to targeted Pinto enthusiasts. What could be better?

6) Free LIVE CHAT with any logged in user! NEW!!

7) Participate in PCCA meets and car shows in your area as they develop or start you own. You would be surprised how much support you receive from members across the country.

8) Participate in the Official PCCA Links- a collection of links to effectively assist Pinto and Bobcat owners for parts and resources as they develop. You can input your own finds immediately (no waiting for a webmaster to post for you) for the entire community.

9) View a live feed from our Facebook presence, link your Facebook account and participate...

10) Your membership here automatically includes you in the Ford Performance Group benefits and discounts available. is a participating partner site with the Ford Performance Group.

11) The Links to purchase PCCA Hats, Shirts, Mugs, Clocks, Calendars, Boxer Shorts, Cards, Stamps, etc, etc...

12) Have fun in the 1980's Arcade, challenge your fellow club members to Car related games for the right to be the big dog.

13) Archived Magazine articles, Ford Sales guides and extras, Technical Part numbers diagrams, Wiring and vacuum guides from Ford, Parts and accessories catalogs from the 70s,  and Much Much more in our Document library available to members.

14) Utilize our Mobile App for your iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry...

15) Search for technical and or retrofit guidance on our site. 15 Years of technical information is waiting for you!  Sign up NOW and you can search our archives from 2004 to present- that's 129,643 Separate posts! (As of August 2015) 95% of your questions or technical needs have already been asked and answered- this is the place to find that technical tidbit you are looking for!

You are just a few clicks away from creating an account here, you can utilize your Facebook or other social network account and sign up immediately. Join us, we are here to help. Click HERE!

Scott Hamilton, Webmaster- PCCA/

If you are a Charter Member or Above- you can create a Member Gallery and here is how!

Note: You will need to create a 'Category' before you can upload any pictures to start your Personal Gallery.


Would you like to pop these directions out to a new window so you can refer to and complete the  instructions? Click Here

Would you like to become a Charter Member? Click Here


1) Click on the Gallery link at the top of the site and then when the page loads, click on 'My Gallery' - you will see this...

2) Click on the 'Add Category' button (in RED above) and you will see this...

3) Name your Category-(Type in the field with [TEST] in the image above) This is the only required field before you can click the 'Add Category' button at the bottom of this page. Note: Feel free to fill out additional information or add a category image or you can update/change this later...

4) Click on the 'Add Category' button on the bottom of this page, then click 'Add Picture' button on the top of the page that loads and then you will see this...

5) In the 'User Gallery' section, Click the down arrow next to 'Select Category' and choose your newly created category...

6) Click 'Add Picture' in the 'User Gallery' section.


When the next page loads you will see areas where you can title your upload, Write a description, Type Keywords for search engines to pickup, and choose some additional options. The 'Browse' button is where you will click and choose the image to upload. Then click the 'Add Picture' button at the bottom of this page and it will upload and populate your gallery.

Add as many pictures as you want, including descriptions, information etc.. All Registered members can post comments on each picture you upload. Make them FUN and it will draw folks in.


Once you get to this point- the rest is self explanatory- you can change, edit, add, delete any image or meta data associated with your Gallery at any time. You can even create additional Categories and upload pictures to them...






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Welcome to, home of the PCCA - the Pinto Car Club of America. Founded in 1999 with the goal of creating a dedicated meeting place with strong appeal to Ford Pinto and Mercury Bobcat owners and enthusiasts across all generations. Each day new members join the PCCA family expanding the knowledge base and enhancing our community.

Our site offers extensive information, technical and historic as well as live classifieds ads to find what you are looking for. One of our main goals is to save you time, money and a lot of hassle when searching for information about our cars. Not a member of our family yet? Please feel free to sign up
 for a free account and join the informative discussions in the forums when looking for that tidbit of info you seek. We, the members of look forward to welcoming you to our family and hearing from you. We are here to assist in any way we can. supports the development of parts resources or parts re-manufacturing as opportunities arise. We promote the efforts of individuals and companies that endeavor to re-manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute additional resources for the Ford Pinto or Mercury Bobcat.

As always, we at encourage comments and suggestions on how we may be able to improve your experience with us. We take what our members have to say very seriously. Don't hesitate to submit your ideas and feedback.

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