Forum > In Memory of...
Joey aka Mascot of the Sway Bar "The Bar Cat"
Life brings blessings and joy in the most unpredictable ways.
We were looking for a Rental home in Folsom and drove past this particular one at least 5 times. Circumstance and Fate conspired to bring us to this home as tenants. While moving in over a month this one of Two cats living in the Back yard, just zeroed in on me and made me his. It was later we found out through his Chip and License that he belonged to a family around the block, Multiple attempts to return him only led to his return to our property, and since the Lady already had multiple cats, She let us assume stewardship and responsibility with all the blessings of Ownership. In the subsequent 11 years we discovered a rare and extremely well behaved personality was in this animal's soul. The small quirks and cat behaviors that were a nuisance , were quickly accommodated and the bond was cemented.
I could list the many enjoyable traits and someday I will. But suffice it to say, If you are fortunate enough to have people and Pets in your life that enrich your daily living, Never take them for granted. The Loss and pain when a relationship based on Unconditional Love and Trust passes , is nearly unbearable.
For now, we'll remember , attempt to heal, and Give thanks for that quirk of destiny that created so much peace and Love.
God Speed, Bar Cat, the Ladies in the ZO6 have your ride home.
RIP Joey!
A method of dealing with our loss..
An Insight to Infinite Love
Comes to you as a hunch or knocks the door down to your world.
We suddenly realize that our perspective will change and must allow this force in to our consciousness.
All routines and familiar sights will seem suddenly trivial as the mind challenges the values of these markers to living.
There will be chaos, real or imagined, as this force redraws the Picture that you call your Life.
Time will pass, and the Image adapts to the hand of the artist "Destiny".
As the colors of this canvas form the new masterpiece of fulfillment, you learn to appreciate the purpose of the Gallery, and yield to the lessons in each stroke of the Existential brush.
The showings of this piece only improve the its purpose in your life, you depend on its presence daily.
You share its value with close friends, and those who are yet to enter this place of contentment.
Then, as is the case of all Divinity, the changes become a exit as the doorway to new passages of creation, and lessons of Living and Loving are written on new canvas and the process repeats.
Cherish that which is woven in the fabric of your canvas, never cease to share the awe in the talent of the creator of the masterpiece , that is your Life
JBK (3/07/16)
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