Forum > In Memory of...

In loving Memory:Ron Wood May 2, 1946-Nov.30, 2006

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My father. My pop. I love him so much. Gone to quickly. We took him to the hospital on Sunday, and he passed early morning on Thursday. Cancer. He's gone. I can't belive it. The last project we ever did was over the summer, some of you may remember reading my posts in the miscellanious section. About the 260. It was for his 1963 Ford Falcon. We pulled the engine and completely rebuilt it. It was the 170. He and I worked the half of Summer vacation on it. And we got it finished. The last time we where down at the shop togehter he watched me start it up and keep it going till it warmed up. I think he knew it was the last time he would watch me do that. He knew I could keep his cars going. Take care of them. He taught me everything I know about cars. He got me interested in cars. I was always his girl. He was my best friend, my business partner. We were partners in his dealership, Memory Lane Farm Auto Sales. I don't know what to say.
So for this avid lover of Fords, collector cars, and a former Pinto owner and pinto fan( he's the one who told me that I should get a Pinto) let us honer his memory. He will be greatly missed.I love you dad.I love you.

My condolences for you & your family. It's always hard to lose a parent & I promise it'll get easier, but for now, a moment of silence for the fallen. May you & your family be alright.

  :sorry: For your loss...
 From Pintony

May your fathers spirit  :angel: live on through your love and the shared love you both had for our favorite little cars.  I don't know how I will handle it when it is my turn to mourn someone that close to me. 

Condolences to you and yours.

--Doug Kemp


             My sincere condolences. Your very lucky to have experienced a man of his caliber.


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