I confess I haven't been here for awhile because I did have a snarky comment aimed at me in a thread I started last year (concerning a fuel issue in two of my Pintos. Also, I get the feeling that I'm not really welcome because, well, I am female and work on my own cars. I have asked for advice a few times, and on the most part, get great advice and no issues. However, a handful of times I have been treated like I don't know what I'm talking about concerning things I'm experiencing with my own cars. There are also a few who don't like me having an opinion that differs from theirs- politically or otherwise. I used to love this site and had lots of fun with fellow Pinto Peeps. I still keep in touch with a few. Sadly, I just feel like I'm not welcome here so I rarely come. I think Jennifer (cutelilputtput t) feels the same. Kim (Pinto Girl) is enjoying her VWs and kayaking. I don't think anyone had issues with her.