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Author Topic: It's that time of year again....  (Read 1854 times)

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Offline dave1987

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It's that time of year again....
« on: December 29, 2011, 12:50:22 AM »
It's that time of year again for me...Yearly organizing!!!!!......

I need to start a new binder for Brownie's paperwork and receipts and what not. Getting a binder and some dividers tomorrow.

Then I have to get into storage and pull out the past four years of files that have been thrown into a box and sort everything out to put into banker's boxes.

Last but not least, and may take a few months to do, pull out all of the boxes of car parts and get things cleaned up, boxed, labeled and start and inventory book of everything I have. Hopefully with all of this done it will free up some space in the storage unit to put the soon to be rebuilt C4 transmission away until the V8 swap.

After organizing I call pull out the original seats from the 78 Sedan and practice reupholstering them! :D

Does anyone else go through OCD organizing like this, or is it just a "me" thing? lol
1978 Ford Pinto Sedan - Family owned since new

Remembering Jeff Fitcher with every drive in my 78 Sedan.

I am a Pinto Surgeon. Fixing problems and giving Pintos a chance to live again is more than a hobby, it's a passion!

Offline Starliner

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Re: It's that time of year again....
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2011, 11:23:08 AM »
GUILTY!   I have 5 cars, here is what I do...
I buy a mini note book for each car.  I buy those Mead 4x6 inch "fat lil' notebooks".
Then I get an expanding accounting folder for each car and put it in my filing cabinet.  I start with having the purchase transaction and the title in the folder.  Also any documentation I got from the previous owner including the owners manuals and previous repairs.   
Everytime I do something to the car I enter it into the notebook along with the date and mileage.  That give me a historical record so I can refer back when the last time I did something.  (like oil changes, valve adjustments, plugs, etc)   This really helps as I put 500 miles a week on my 73 Pinto just driving to work.   
I throw the receipts for key items like tires, batteries, or restoration items into the folder.   I don't save all the misc receipts for oil, filters, etc. 
It is a very simple system and you can easily hand the notebook and folder to the next owner of the car if you sell it.   When I sell my 73 Pinto in the fall of 2012 I will have every detail since 22,000 miles for the next owner.  A local may want it, he wants the 1600 engine for his old Lotus 7.  He knows how good the engine internals are because of my records.
I also have an Excel file with a tab for each car (and boats) as a "TO DO" and "TO BUY" list.   This helps me stay organized on what I still must do or buy.  So I can plan what I must do next to what car.  It is not hard to manage since we only daily drive the 73 Pinto and the 84 Audi.  The other cars are "works in progress" until I have time or money.    Right now lacking both! 
1973 Pinto 1600 - Sold!  
1979 Pinto 2300 - Sold!
1984 Audi 5000 Avant - 60,000 original miles
1987 Audi 5000 S Quattro - The snowmobile
1973 Volvo 1800 ES wagon -  my project car
1976 Mustang II - Wifey's new toy

Offline dave1987

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Re: It's that time of year again....
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 02:23:35 AM »
Brownie's binder is done.

Files have been organized by year and boxed up.

Now the Pinto parts are being are being organized. So far good progress, just a lot left to do, and I need more boxes! Sarah is being very patient with me and and letting me keep the cleaned, bagged and tagged items in the house until I can get ALL of the parts out of storage and inventoried. Then everything will be going back. I told her it would all be done by April 1st at the latest, hopefully sooner for her sake.

Waiting for the tax refund to come in so I can get some decent stacking crates to put the smaller and box-able items into. Larger items will be packed and boxed up.

1978 Ford Pinto Sedan - Family owned since new

Remembering Jeff Fitcher with every drive in my 78 Sedan.

I am a Pinto Surgeon. Fixing problems and giving Pintos a chance to live again is more than a hobby, it's a passion!

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Re: It's that time of year again....
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2012, 06:52:27 PM »
What I'd like to do is get PEMR books for my cars. PEMR (if I remember correctly) stands for Preventative Equipment Maintenance and Repair. All equipment where I work has one. It's a sort of log book that you'd write repairs made, or preventative maintenance (oil changes, lubing, flushing, etc.), and parts replaced. It's also where we keep vehicle registration, accident cards, lube charts, and other incidentals. A book like that fits in the glove compartment and I can see at a glance when stuff is due or when something was repaired or replaced.  ;D
One can never have too many Pintos!

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Re: It's that time of year again....
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2012, 08:00:50 PM »
Dave ..... quit cleaning house & get info/pics of that Lucerne !  ;D