I am not aware of a "Gran Pinto" or a "PinCat." I wonder if the dealer was both a Ford and Mercury dealer, and to keep his cost down, he fabricated PinCat so he can use it interchangeabl y between the Bobcat and Pintos? If that is the case, he is mighty cheap, to say the least! LOL.
I know that Canada's Bobcats were available as early as 1974 (using the grille that is associated with the American 1976's Pintos).
The Gran emblem is definitely an exact match to the ones used on the Ford Gran Torino, so I suspect the previous owner took some liberties to make his/her Pinto grander! However, read further for additional meaning....
In response to your comment about translations.. .a quick Google search shows that Gran Pinto and Grande Pinto is Portuguese for ahem, a big dick (their word, not mine). Thus, the previous owner definitely took some liberties...
I will keep my eyes peeled for these oddities, as I also collect car brochures. If I come across one regarding the PinCat, I will reach out to you to share my findings.
Happy Motoring,