How tired is your engine , since you had it got it when its new might as well put a newer 2.8 in it out of a ranger or Bronco II , it has a better oiling system and larger cam bearings , the heads are much better also , it's a bolt in , the pluss side would to find a ranger or Bronco in the yards to remove the front timeing cover and all the pulleys along with the clutch fan , you will have three belts driving the water pump and not just one , also the fan makes less noise on the highway and frees up a few ponys , I know you got that trip coming up soon so the would be the fastest way to buy a O/H one for the ranger (and it's got a warranty) also like Enzo said the 2.9 would be better but more work and takes away from being original, and I just got a 2.9 Scorpio top just in case mine ever dies , let use all know how it works out , later Blaine