Thanks for the link, Wittsend... lot of good info in there! Crossing my fingers for a *little* less steep of a transition, but I know it never works out that way.
Ah, the 8"... I've definitely barked up that tree. Not ruling that out, but they seem to be much harder to find now than they were a decade ago. I've seen quite a few 8.8s making their way underneath Pintos lately; I find them attractive because they're plentiful and inexpensive, even with limited slip and disc brakes (two features I find very appealing). Sure, I'd have to narrow it and swap over spring pads, but for my trouble I get those features and 5-lug axles to match my Granada rotors up front. (I prob wouldn't even bother thinking about switching from 4-lug, if I didn't strongly suspect I'll want better braking down the line.)
It's worth mentioning that I'm coming from a 4-speed here... I know the T5's a little bit longer (how much exactly I don't remember, I found a great write-up on such a swap that I'll have to dig up... or I could just measure mine once it's out).
Same with the rear end itself... anyone know the best way to get this measurement for my 6.75?