As many of you know I have a pretty mucg stock 73 wagon with 2.0 engine and factory FoG type e 4 speed.
I was wondering if anyone has had experience replacing the factory 4 speed with the Mercur type 9 5 speed in a 2.0 car.
I have read a lot of posts and articles about various transmission swaps but am still not sure how similar the the and trpe 9 are specifically
I have sourced a type 9 from a mercur with a 2.3 engine and was wondering what would be involved in making the swap. I dont have a lot of money to spare so this is a budget project and I would like to not cut into the floor of the car for the shifter, have the driveshaft modified, etc
I was wondering how much compatibility there is as far as the overall length, input shaft length and spline, output shaft spline etc.
Also i know that the type 9 was fitted to a 2.3 so the bell housing is different so can i just use the bell housing from my 4 speed.
Any ideas?