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Question: rear end for 77 wagon

Started by Cookieboy, July 20, 2006, 09:45:10 PM

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Quick Question... need answer asap please....

I have a 77 wagon and have the opportunity to pick up a pulled 8 inch rear out of a maverick (not sure what year)

will I have any major problems swapping it in or would there be a better choice...

for example an 8 inch out of a 76 mustang II (which I also have access to)

It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


I did find some info from a previous post (see below) and it does leave me to believe that the Maverick rear end would be a bad choice... could someone w/more knowledge than me please confirm. I'm not building a hot rod and most likely will just beef up the standard 2.3 that is already in there.

Also seems I may be having minor issues w/my rear end so either a rebuild or replacement will be needed. I figure a swap w/the least issues would be my best choice and it would be nice to have the 8"

I need an answer today Friday, 7/21/2006... after that doesn't matter... I have to decide today if I want the Maverick rear.


Quote from previous post....

Started by turbopinto72, Message by 77turbopinto
Maverick 8" rear axle info:

1) They are 5 lug, 4.5".

2) They are about .5" narrower overall than the Pinto 8" rear (drum to drum). IF the shafts are installed in a Pinto housing, they will engage the splines .25" less for each side; This is something to think about BEFORE doing. I have a pair of .25 wheel spacers to put it at the stock pinto track width.

3) The perches are not set-up to use the rubber/block assy.s.

*** NOTE!
Number 3 is in-correct.
The rubber perch is perfect for the early Pinto!!!!
From Pintony

4) Like the 67/68 Mustang ones (and others), the perches are narrower, but the outside edge of the them are about the same distance apart as the Pinto perches (about 45"), on-center they are different.

5) The bearing retainer plates on the Mav. are the same as the ones on the 67/68 Mustang, but NOT the same as the 8" Pinto ones. My plan was to put the shafts in a Pinto rear, but I would have to pull the bearings off the shafts to switch the retainer plates, and along with the spline isssue, I just re-worked the perches like I did on the 67/68 rear to install it.

6) The tubes do not taper, they are 3" to the brake plate. You will have to use the Mav. shock plates and bolts, or slot the holes in the Pinto blocks and plates (like I did to run the MII rear sway bar).

7) They take the same axle seals (two parts places told me otherwise, but they were the same as the 68-73 Mustang and the Pinto 8" rears).

They need drums and wheels with the BIG center hole. The drums from my 68 stang rear would not fit (good thing the Mav. ones were in good shape, as a matter of fact they had more meat on them). They need rims with the 2.75" center hole, the same size as what is needed to go on a Granada rotor.
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


You have all the info I can give you about the Mav. rear.

For ease of install, go with the Pinto/StangII rear.

Keep in mind that ANY 8" rear swap needs a driveshaft swap (or at least look at it). The u-joint mount is about an inch forward.

What are the gears in both? Maybe the Mav. rear has better ones. GET BOTH if you can.

There is no cost effective way to fix the 6.75, or make it better. They will hold up with the stock Pinto power if you are careful with them.  MUCH cheaper to get a good used 8".


BTW: #3 is correct. I was talking about the Maverick rear not having the rubber.
Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


I'm a novice at this rear end stuff and don't really understand all the little details...

I jumped to early on interest in buying one and now the seller has it pulled for me even though I was just expressing interest in it and asked when/if it could be pulled. looks like I may end up with it as part of deal where I'm getting another pinto + the rear end and don't want any hard feelings. I want the other pinto for a driver so I can relax a bit on my current project. I wanna drive a pinto again!!! and have been rushing my wagon project when I really need to slow down and take my time to do it the way I want.

It just looks like the Maverick rear end would be more difficult to install vs. mustang II and If I do it has to be as easy as possible... I don't have the skills or talent to fab anything if needed for the swap.

I'm not looking for a rear end for 4 cyl turbo or V8. If I do anything at all it will be a mild build to stock 2300 such as cam, lifters, headers... and the only reason to consider the swap at this time is that I was told the rear end in my car "could be" the cause of the "clunk" when shifting from drive to reverse.

It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Check the u-joints, might not be the rear. MIGHT be the tranny too, but doubltful. The u-joints are very easy and fairly cheap to do. That is where I would start. Pull the driveshaft and inspect the joints. If they are bad they will be notchy, VERY tight, or have slop.

Does the rear make noise on the highway or in turns? If not is SHOULD be OK.

The hard part about the Mav. rear, or any other, is the swap itself. The very minor issue of slotting the shock plate holes and working the perches is easy. IMHO if you can swap the rear, you can alter the Mav. one.

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


I really haven't been able to drive my Pinto  :( a few cruises around the area but that's about it. To many problems to even list and I have had a lot of work done already. The mechanic who did most of the work is the one who threw the idea of the rear end out there when I asked about the "clunk." I would think Ujoints first as well but for some reason he didn't think so. He did a tranny service (filter and fluid) and checked for slop in the drive shaft but he also didn't think or look into the clunk because of it's current running condition. I have a few other areas that have to be addressed before I can dig into the "clunk" when it goes into reverse. Such as... carb/timing still needs tweeking, starter is bad and am going to do the header/exhaust replacement as long as the starter has to be swapped, front calipers are going to be changed and something is leaking on the tranny (I think it's the regulator thingy) and such... I'm sure I'll find more as I get to digging into this project, things keep popping up but am getting close to running out of thinks that "could be fixed."

If the Maverick swap is going to be as hard or easy as the Mustang swap then I might as well get it. I know it's a project (I want the 8") for a later date and the Maverick one is pulled vs. the Mustang one I have may not work due to where it is sitting and if I do get it out then it has to be pulled... I do want to do some preformance upgrades... just not major ones.
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Quote from: Cookieboy on July 22, 2006, 08:46:43 AM
... He did a tranny service (filter and fluid) and ... and something is leaking on the tranny (I think it's the regulator thingy) and such...

I would have him see if he did something wrong or missed something.

Quote from: Cookieboy on July 22, 2006, 08:46:43 AM
...If the Maverick swap is going to be as hard or easy as the Mustang swap then I might as well get it...

You did read where the 8" Mustang II/Pinto rear is a DIRECT BOLT IN, and the Maverick 8" is NOT, right? You said you are looking for the easest way, the Mustang II rear is the way to go. Yes, the work to DO THE SWAP is the same, but you won't have to make any OTHER modifications. You should swap the driveshaft, but with one that is a DIRECT BOLT IN too for either rear. With an auto tranny car with a 6.75" rear, all you should need is a driveshaft from a 4spd Pinto with a 6.75" rear to do the 8" swap. There is more info in the FAQ section too.

Quote from: Cookieboy on July 22, 2006, 08:46:43 AM
... starter is bad and am going to do the header/exhaust replacement as long as the starter has to be swapped...

The starter comes out if you un-bolt the steering rack (both bolts through the crossmember) and drop the right side down (just the mount bolts, all else can stay put). Check out the thread in the FAQ section about header installs.

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


Thanks Bill for all the info and help,

Either him or I will be checking into the tranny leak, If I can figure it out I will but if I need help he gets a call. I just looked to see where it was coming from and didn't even bother to check bolts on the pan... I had other more important issues to deal with at the time. The pinto didn't run and I needed to put the timing belt and distributor on correctly... long story but I did it and now it is running again  ;D

I think I'll go with your advise on the rear end... Mustang II rear and driveshaft from a 4spd pinto... scrap the maverick rear... I'll look for more detailed info later if that project becomes necessary.

I always had to drop the exhaust to swap starters... didn't know there was an easier way... Thanks  ;D

and I'll check the section on headers...

Thanks again for the info/help
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


About that "clunk" going into reverse.

If it's not from:
1. the vacuum modulator being bad/adjusted incorrectly and/or
2. a fluid leak
3. a partially clogged trans filter, (sometimes a new one will clog quickly, if the old fluid was bad enough and wasn't completely drained from the convertor)
It could be simply from
4. the engine idle speed being set too high.