There is a non computer way out of this , when I first planed to put a over drive trans into my pinto I looked at the A4LD and the 700R4 , and I was going to use the org carb setup to make it simple , the 700R4 looked good to me because of the 3 to 1 first gear and towing a small 16 ft scamp camper I wanted something strong, so I made up a bel housing to mate the 700R4 to the 2.8, and found out later that the right side of the trans hit the floor pan and pushed out the headers , next was the A4LD , got one out of a 85 ford ranger 2.8, it is a two wire hook up, it goes from first all the way to over drive by it self , the two wire is only for converter lock up, and you can buy a pressure switch to do that, and it ties into the transmission gov test pickup, you can buy different switches for different lock up speeds from transmission center , in Srevport LA, later I decided to go with the TBI fuel injection and the now the computer runs the show on shifting , I think it's a good mod if you got the right rear gear and gets rid of the buzz on the hwy, and last , if you are planing on it you have better do it soon , those transmissions are drying up like the pinto , hard to find , later Blaine