Excellent, wonderful information here. A few more questions if I may. First, and before I forget, I just want a really nice cruiser car that has some juice at lower RPMs. Dick, looking at your info there, you are a racer. My biggest question would be that - would the stock manifold flow adequate for the set up I have and plan on using for giving it just a bump in power with a bigger carb? I'm sure you have much more knowledge than I on these engines having raced them. Slowride, that's a very good point I didn't even think of. I did look at the 38/38, but I'm afraid it would be too large also. Anyone ever use one of those Esslinger intakes or heard anything about them good or bad? 74PintoWagon, what years of the lower efi manifold work to bolt on? Is that what you mean by find the right size? Sorry for all the questions, but ideally I'd like to do this once, and get this thing out driving.