You're making me reminisce about Renz (and probably Pratt and others) at Grandpa Skow's old Allis Chalmers dealership who would hold the alternator pulley with a thick cloth glove and hammer away on the nut with an impact wrench. And generators too. They'd fix stuff going way back to the WC days.....
Anyway, I was fooling with a belt tension gauge this morning and discovered that the gauge only goes up to 50 lbs and both belts are way above that. So a Pintkurstang is a way different animal than the Siemens ElectroCom DBCS994.... Even with that pesky DIOSS or CIOSS upgrade....
I did take a torque wrench to the AC and Alternator tensioners this morning. It takes about 15 ft-lbs more to move the AC side, so I'm guessing that it's Saint Henry's way of telling me that the alternator tensioner is all worn and wimpy.
Anyway, I've just bought a NOS replacement with pulley off eBay for $45.
Since the lower outlet on the radiator started leaking, that's been pulled and in the shop. And when it goes back in, I'm 99% likely to replace my no-name electric fan with an 8-blade thermo-clutch fan out of an '80s-'90s Ranger. I picked that up for $5 at a swap meet two or three (or maybe more) years ago for just in case.