
We have upgraded to the latest version of SMF including all the security and bug fixes. This is a huge change for all of us, figuring it out as we go. Scott Hamilton

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Stampede is Streaming!

Started by Norman Bagi, July 27, 2013, 07:09:10 PM

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Norman Bagi

You can go directly to the Ustream page and blog live at or join us on Facebook at where we also have a link to the streaming video.
Videos go live every morning around 8:00 am, the last recorded video will air if we are offline. If you go to the ustream link you can watch all the videos.
Right now it is a stream of my hood as I cross the country. Monday I will be in Deerborn and will be doing cool Ford stuff, you may want to tune in. The official Stampede starts Thursday morning 8/1/13 at 8:00 am

Scott Hamilton

Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


the only substitute for cubic inches is BOOST!!!