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Going to the Stampede? Where are you coming from?

Started by Norman Bagi, May 28, 2013, 10:08:17 PM

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Norman Bagi

Let us now how you plan to get to the Stampede, maybe we can hook you up with other Pinto's who are heading in the same direction.

Norman Bagi

I am heading in from Eastern Pennsylvania, I plan on going to Dearborn on Monday July 29th. to visit the Ford plant, museum and some other attractions before heading west to Chicago and then on to Loves Park by Wednesday evening for the barbeque and shoot.

After the Stampede I plan to head east to Nashville, visit the country music holy land and then head north or east, not sure. Anyone wanting to tag along, come on, maybe we can take Nashville by storm and extend the Stampede.


I plan to do the Live Racing Roundup Show in Milwaukee on Tuesday night the 30th with Mark Goodman and who ever wants to join us.Wednesday afternoon take the 1 hour drive From Madison WI to Loves Park Il on I90 for the cook out. I plan staying two nights in Memphis, start heading back north on Monday.
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible


I will be leaving the Northern Minnesota Iron Range - At this point I'm not sure when I will leave. I can travel south in Minnesota, thru the Twin Cities, if others from Minnesota wish to join me for the drive.

Another option is to travel thru Duluth, MN and into Wisconsin. If I can leave early enough I may join Mark and Dave for the Racing Roundup Show in Milwaukee.

I'm still leaving my options open at this point, never know there might be someone from Minnesota or the northern Wisconsin area that will want to go and travel in a herd of ponies.

my email is cookieboystoys at yahoo dot com if anybody wishes to contact me.
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Doing the Racing Round Up show the 30th from West Allis/Milwaukee WI and heading to Loves Park on Wednesday.  From there I am not sure because I don't have the time off from work yet.  Join us at The Racing Round Up show if you can
1978 Squire wagon,red, 69000 and counting original miles

1978 Hatchback, red (built four days after  the Squire)