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2013 Stampede to start with a BANG!!!!!

Started by Norman Bagi, December 07, 2012, 12:58:32 PM

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Norman Bagi

Just say the word and I will add you to the list, I stil have your information from before. I have over 27 Pinto's signed up so far, we still have about 5 months to go.  Planning is coming together and the run will go down America's first Interstate, The Mighty Mississippi, we will travel on the great river road and it is going to be an epic ride. I understand this is one of the most beautiful drives and it should be a fun one..........

Norman Bagi
"Trail  Boss"

Norman Bagi

Hotel information has been emailed to all Stampeders. We are one step closer to our 2013 drive.  Anyone wanting to join in, send an email to Norm the "Trail Boss" at and I will send you all the information.


This weekend on the way to visit Jim Madison for the weekend I visited one of our stops . Antique Archaeology . I dropped off a Stampede flier and my card. The woman working at the shop says she would give it to Mike. 
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible


We're getting closer folks, join us for the 2013 Pinto Stampede. The Stampede starts August 1st and runs thru August 3rd. Kick off party July 31st at the Bullet Stop Gun Shop in Loves Park, Illinois. Email Norm Bagi at for details and to join today.

Route Details Here ~~>
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!