Forum > 2012, 8th National Western Regional Pinto Meet Knotts Berry CA -Archive

Last Minute Fabulous Fords Entry?

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My schedule being what it is, I never know until the last minute if I can do anything.   Thus, I didn't register for Fab Fords tomorrow.   What are the odds if I just show up I'll get Chocobanana (my '73 Squire) in?   What time would I have to arrive?

Bob, according to the entry form, there are no same-day registrations. You have to have gotten a confirmation card (I'm guessing the thing that hangs on the rearview mirror) also serves as a pass to get into the show.  Most car shows allow same-day entry (usually at a higher price) but this one's an exception.

Does anyone have a pass who cannot enter their car but want to see them and donate (or possibly sell) their ticket to help Bob out? Thank you.  :)

What about if you forget your pass at home? I should be able to talk to them at the entrance and confirm via my name, right? I can't believe after all this, I forgot my pass!

Kimmy, do as you mentioned on fb and show the gate people the picture of the cancelled check... too bad the kid didn't FedEx the packet! Hopefully, they'll have you on file. I would sure hate for you not to be able to get in with Nellie Belle... I've been wanting to get my hot lil' hands on her- I mean, see her in person!  ;D   I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

No worries, everyone.   I'll shine her  up and come anyway.   At least she'll be in close proximity to her kin.


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