Forum > 2012, 2nd Pinto Stampede, Virgina to Summut Point Motor Sports Park
stampede unexpected excitement
jeff simmons:
We drove our Ford Pinto 2679 miles this week without a single problem.... No we had two little problems. First we didn't even get out of the city, cruising along 65 mph when traffic suddenly stops and hit the breaks and pop and pedal goes to floor had to take the shoulder to avoid accident, so I called a buddy of mine in blue springs. said I need to borrow your driveway,Back on the road within an hour. Then on the way home we was driving up a mountain hi way when we was almost to the top all of a sudden smoke and oil comes blowing out from under the hood, we was able to coast to an exit to assess the damage. The metal oil line going to the turbo broke into. Believe it or not I just happened to have the parts on tools to fix it, but we had no oil to put back in. So Peg looks at Shea and says you better pray for a little help because we was out in the middle of know where. When all of a sudden a couple in a pickup truck pulls up behind us and asks if we needed some help.So he went and got us some oil and I had the car back together before he returned. Afterwards we was talking with him and he said he preached about that this morning and he didn't know if anyone was listening. I say the message got through!
Norman Bagi:
Wow, Jeff I just saw this thread. Glad you got through that. I guess the most memorable trips are the ones with a few bumps in the road. It was great driving with you and the family, I hope to do it again sometime.
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