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One Month Left until we Stampede!

Started by Norman Bagi, April 17, 2012, 03:31:41 PM

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Norman Bagi

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time is coming up quickly. 
Rolling Hills, Great Food, Scenery, Conversation and Plethora of Pinto's.
One more month until we start on another adventure into the unknown.  Anyone who wants to come along, don't hesitate and miss out on another trip alongside some of the greatest people and cars ever to hit the road together. 
If you are in the Virginia area you must sign up for this, hotel blocks will only be held until may 1st after that we cannot be certain rooms will be there, so make your reservations now.
The Pinto Stampede!  If you only take one trip this year, this is the one.  With Gas going up and the Economy going down, you may not get another chance to take a Great American Road trip.
The Stampede leaves Martinsville Virginia on May 17th, 2012. To sign up, email the Trail Boss at


RESERVATIONS!!! Dang it, Knew I forgot something, ON IT!
Go Ford, Go Fast Or Go Home!


  You are T leaving Va. and what is the destination?  Tks, la50pinto
Why? Everyone has a Mustang.


1978 Squire wagon,red, 69000 and counting original miles

1978 Hatchback, red (built four days after  the Squire)

Norman Bagi

Quote from: la50pinto on April 17, 2012, 11:12:48 PM
  You are T leaving Va. and what is the destination?  Tks, la50pinto
We are heading up through Richmond and on to Summit Point West Virginia.  many stops planned along the route.  Check out the website for more on this. 
Here is a link to the itinerary

Shoot me an email if you plan to join in somewhere along the way.


Any one in the Ohio area going on the Stampeded.I will be leaving Columbus on Wednesday morning[16th of May].If you are going do you want to meet up.Will meet up with Dave,Jim,Mark and a few more in Charleston,WV.
05 Pigon Forge Meet, 06 Carlile Meet Coordinator 06-07 Carlile Regional, Brief Case Award (ask)


We will meet at noon at the Cracker Barrel exit 95 on I 64/77  in Charleston WV
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible

jeff simmons

Is anyone coming across Missouri and through St louis. We arn't quite sure what time we're leaving to meet in Martinsville. It wood be cool to have a few pintos cruising there together.


Jeff, there is one southern Illinois Pinto I know of that will be traveling North to meet up with a few others in Northern Illinois, the Wisconsin crowd will be meeting them and then they will be going east from there picking up Pinto's along the way. It would add quite a few miles to your trip I'm sure but... if you want more info I can get it for you
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Jeff , Wayne from St Louis is traveling on I64 and meeting Jim Madison and myself  in Louisville on Tuesday night.Then Wednesday on to Charleston WV to meet up with pintoman,{Harley} then on to Martinsville
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible

Norman Bagi

I love it when a plan comes together!  8)


One can never have too many Pintos!


Karen, Meesah and I hope to meet up with you guys somewhere along the way but if not, we will see you in Martinsville  ;D ;D ;D
1978 Squire wagon,red, 69000 and counting original miles

1978 Hatchback, red (built four days after  the Squire)


We had a little change of plan for the midwest group.I will be meeting Jim Madison in Rockford Il at 8am Tuesday Morning, then driving to Indanapolis meeting up with John from Chicago at exit 103 I 74 at 2pm. Then to Cincininnati where we will more that likley stay the night.Then drive to Charleston WV to exit 95 on I77 at the Cracker Barrel at about noon for lunch on the 16th.
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible


Wish I coulda gone but not enough time off or money to do both Carlisle & the Stampede. The car deserves to do both. Maybe some year.

Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Midwest group will stop tomorrow night at the Comfort inn at  Cincininnati  airport.Pm me for more info.
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible


Karen, me and Meesha are getting ready to head out soon (4:30 am CST)  Even though we are not bringing the real wagon, I have a model car of "Stormy" so she will be there in spirit.   

1978 Squire wagon,red, 69000 and counting original miles

1978 Hatchback, red (built four days after  the Squire)


I will be 2 1/2 hours behind you Mark. All packed and ready to roll!
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible


Three Pintos spending the night in Cincinatti .On to Charleston in the morning to pick up more
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible


you, Jim and ??? and when are you meeting up with Wayne Layman?
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Havent met up with Wayne yet. We have John from Chicago in his blue 78 trunk model.
1978 Pinto Cruising wagon (I am the original owner ! ) Built Aug 15th 1977 in NJ
1993 Mustang LX 2.3 convertible