Forum > 2011, 7th National Eastern Regional Pinto Meet Carlile PA- 40th Anniversary of The Pinto

Memorial Day Parade 2011


As part of the Pintostampede I Have entered my car the 2011 Memorial Day Parade in Monona WI.I contacted the person in charge of the parade and explaned our club, trip to Carlisle and that we were a sponsor of the Wounded Warrior Program. Here is what she wrote back

 Hi Dave,

Thank you for calling with regard to the Memorial Day Parade!  Your event seems to fit with our parade perfectly.  I have attached the parade information letter for this year and an application.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Terri Groves, IOM

The parade in the largest and longest running Memorial day Parade in Wisconsin. Please let me know it you can attend the parade. The following day, Tuesday, we plan to join the stampede to Carlisle.Even if you dont plan on goingto Calisle consider attending the parade.


count me in, great way to start off the trip to Carlisle  ;D

Norman Bagi:
Flash & Cookieboy,
Sorry I did not see this earlier, sounds like a great idea. Let me know what you want to do for this.  if you want to make donations or a colection, you can have the deposit go directly here to the Wounded Warrior project and it would go on behalf of the Pinto Stampede.
If anyone wants to make a donation, this link goes directly to the Wounded Warrior bank account. Might be nice thing to do on this coming memorial day. Any donation goes a long way, no amount is too small. I was planning on making some banners for the Pinto Stampede, did you guys need one for the parade?


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