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Who will Be Going?

Started by turbopinto72, January 24, 2008, 10:19:52 PM

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I will be there with my 73 Pangra and maybe my 72 2.5 turbo car :)
Brad F
1972, 2.5 Turbo Pinto
1972, Pangra
1973, Pangra
1971, 289 Pinto


Would be Sooo cool to have some members Caravan to California this year!!!
Tercin??? Rkk??? Sky??? Pintoguy76??? Zorlorg??? Pintaro??? Fcannon???
From Pintony


i will be bringing my 77 wagon along with whole bunch of pintos from northern ca. lets see if we can really break that magical 40+ pinto mark. gotta love that!  chris
77 wagon auto 2.3  wagons are the best and who knew I like flames on a pinto!!!!


Fran and I will be there with our 71 V8 Pinto with its shiney new bumpers (thanks to Barth and Alberto)  !!   Joe
1971- 289 V8; B&M C4; 9" with 4:11 posi. Several suspension upgrades and body modifications.
1974- 2.3L wagon,4-spd,totally stock. Medium lime yellow, avacado interior, 99k miles.
1972- 1984 Mustang SVO turbo; 5-speed tremec; 9" rear w/positraction; fiberglass front & doors; upgraded suspension.


I will be there with the following cars:
Christine, Hughie, Betty, Alice, Coln, Mustard and MAYBE Veronica (although she may be getting painted). If you do not know which cars those are, I suggest you attend the show.
My friend Thomas will be there with his 72 as well.

chrisf1219 - Can't wait to see you there this year!

redmustangman3 - Your welcome! Anything for a fellow pinto lover!

I have many Pintos, I like them....
#1. 1979 Wagon V6 Restored
#2. 1977 Wagon V6 Restored
#3. 1980 Sedan I4 Original
#4. 1974 Pangra Wagon I4 Turbo
#5. 1980 Wagon I4 Restored
#6. 1976 Bobcat Squire Hatchback (Restoring)
...Like i said, I like them.
...and I have 4 Fiats.


 :2fast4u: :tgif:Hi everyone,

           Well another year and the car shows are starting. I plan to be at Knotts and I will be at Del Mar. My car is the 71 with the mickey Thompson's on the back and the 460 in front. haven't done much to it but did go for a ride on the 1/8 mile. Turned a 7.60 just getting use to the car. It handled great so next visit I'll adjust the 4 link and blast off. Well I'll do my best to represent our little pintos to everyone, car shows are great to show our cars of the past. P.S. I'll be at Temecula Rod Run on March 8th so the pinto will be at large. See you soon Dan.
Nothing like a 460 under the hood!!!


I will be their with my pro street 71 hatch back.


Old Dog Dave is staying on the PORCH this year... ;D ;D ;D


I'll be there baby's, just look for me and my entourage..  I'll be wearing a fur coat, crushed velvet purple hat with a pink feather,  alligator skin shoes with rhinestones and all.  Oh yeah and a couple Pintos too!  I'll be towing them in with my 68' Caddy Eldorado. 
:afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :devil: :coolrasta: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:
1973 Yellow Wagon
1972 Brown Wagon
1972 Red Runabout
1979 Runabout
1972 White Wagon
1971 Red Runabout
1971 Sedan
1974 Runabout
1972 Blue Runabout
1972 Red Wagon
1973 Chesnut Squire
1973 Yellow Squire
1972 Yellow Squire
1972 Yellow Turbo Wagon

Known as "the flipper"
Co-Owner of B&B's Used Pintos ;)


I will be there...mailing out the entry form Tmrw, Monday. First test for the T-5 swap I just did. See you guys and gals there.
77 V8 Cruzin Wagon Custom


hey there pinto guys  the boss well be there  try to find away to bring  the wag to but  maybe not     see ya


Will you be at Good Guys also ?
Brad F
1972, 2.5 Turbo Pinto
1972, Pangra
1973, Pangra
1971, 289 Pinto


Count me in from Yucaipa!  Just got my car show tag in the mail yesterday.

Anything to keep her runnin'!


Quote from: cutelitlputtputt on February 27, 2008, 02:57:48 PM
Count me in from Yucaipa!  Just got my car show tag in the mail yesterday.


Very Cool!!!! 8)

Sir Hugh

Quote from: Pintopower on February 01, 2008, 08:10:03 PM
Christine, Hughie, Betty, Alice, Coln, Mustard and MAYBE Veronica

Hmm, I would have sworn we had more pintos... haha! The problem now is finding enough drivers, but I think we've recruited enough random people to get them all there! AHH! I cannot wait! The caravan across the many freeways early in the morning is my favorite part.  Be sure to check out Hughie's newly rebuilt engine (I've been covered in oil and grease almost every weekend making Hughie pretty), it's shiny and happy! ;D 8)
Loving my plum 1978 Pinto Hatchback.  He has a rebuilt engine and is running like new. Beautiful. He still needs a new paint job though.


Quote from: Sir Hugh on February 28, 2008, 05:15:41 PM
Hmm, I would have sworn we had more pintos... haha! The problem now is finding enough drivers, but I think we've recruited enough random people to get them all there! AHH! I cannot wait! The caravan across the many freeways early in the morning is my favorite part.  Be sure to check out Hughie's newly rebuilt engine (I've been covered in oil and grease almost every weekend making Hughie pretty), it's shiny and happy! ;D 8)
Hey Sir hugh,
  Only 52 days left!!!
So COOL that you have Hughie back on the road again!!!!
From Pintony


ill be there :) Sunday. i go every year i will be there with a 84 T-bird "Supercoupe" conversion
and a 02 Mustang Mach 1
1972 Pinto sedan (2.0L w/4spd)

Sir Hugh

Quote from: Pintony on February 28, 2008, 10:40:08 PM
So COOL that you have Hughie back on the road again!!!!

Ah well, not quite, but last weekend we installed the trans, the engine and the starter. I began to attach all the electrical and the air lines but discovered plenty of sad wires, so those shall be changed soon.  Besides that, its nice working on an engine and leaving somewhat clean, plus its so pretty to look at (except where we masked off the secret original poo brown color that's funky from age and battery acid  :P).
Loving my plum 1978 Pinto Hatchback.  He has a rebuilt engine and is running like new. Beautiful. He still needs a new paint job though.


Less than 30 days to knottsberry.
Hope you guys are getting your Pintos shiney!!!!


hey were ready all shined up and readyto go!went driving today 70 degrees today even turned on the a/c its all working!hope to see you all there.alberto- pintony -redmustangman3- mike - skunky 56- pintozeal 76-lencost- the list goes on. ill be down on sat. seeyou then   chris in ca
77 wagon auto 2.3  wagons are the best and who knew I like flames on a pinto!!!!


Quote from: chrisf1219 on March 23, 2008, 11:09:49 PM
hey were ready all shined up and readyto go!went driving today 70 degrees today even turned on the a/c its all working!hope to see you all there.alberto- pintony -redmustangman- mike - skunky 56  the list goes on. ill be down on sat. seeyou then   chris in ca
John, Thomas, Barth, Bipper, PintoPimp, Don, Chris, Lost coz, Brad & Kevin, Wagonmaster, Sir Hugh, Racer X. Rob, & More!!!!


I'm going to do my best to be there. Won't have the wagon this year though. >:( Tony, don't forget to bring "it" ;) I'm just looking forward to meeting everyone. To date I have only met Redmustang3 aka Joe from Morgan Hill. He was kind enough to drive his awesome new Hertz shelby up and pay me a visit and check out my car. Can't wait to see the Pinto Joe!

1966 Mercury M100 Custom Cab 5.8L EFI/AOD
1973 Pinto Wagon Daily driver (For Sale in Classifieds)
1973 Pinto Squire 2.0EFI/Turbo

"Man is not FREE unless Government is LIMITED!" - President Ronald Reagan


Hi Rob: Glad to hear you will be coming to Knott's. You will be blown away when you see all the Pintos driving into the show !!! Looking forward to seeing everyone  and all the cool Pintos. Joe in Morgan Hill
1971- 289 V8; B&M C4; 9" with 4:11 posi. Several suspension upgrades and body modifications.
1974- 2.3L wagon,4-spd,totally stock. Medium lime yellow, avacado interior, 99k miles.
1972- 1984 Mustang SVO turbo; 5-speed tremec; 9" rear w/positraction; fiberglass front & doors; upgraded suspension.

Fred Morgan

Hi to all the people who are going. I am going to be there even if I can't get my car in. So anybody needing pinto parts do me up a list this way delivery is free, and I will bring what you ordered. Thanks Fred  :) or 760-665-23 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          :accident: hate that when that happens
Fred Morgan- Missing from us...
January 20th 1951-January 6th 2014

Beloved PCCA Parts Supplier and Friend to many.
Post your well wishes,


IM NEW TO CALI but i will be there!
71 Pinto sedan, 306/C4 soon to be T-5


 :welcome: Boss Pinto! Make sure to place your pin on the member map so we know where you are. Look forward to seeing you at knott's

1966 Mercury M100 Custom Cab 5.8L EFI/AOD
1973 Pinto Wagon Daily driver (For Sale in Classifieds)
1973 Pinto Squire 2.0EFI/Turbo

"Man is not FREE unless Government is LIMITED!" - President Ronald Reagan


wow  only 14 more days till knotts  everybody ready to go ? a good utube video would be all of us pulling in to knotts together with a show of sheer numbers like that would be great! alberto ill try to stop at your house on the way down if i can leave early enough. ill have my car on a cardolly. i would like to see all your pintos as well as you.looking to see all of you and meeting some new members that ive never met.i am ready 2 weeks cant happen fast enough ;D chris in ca.
77 wagon auto 2.3  wagons are the best and who knew I like flames on a pinto!!!!


Well, I have some good news ;D and some bad news :'(. I will start with the bad news first. It is looking like I won't make the Knott's trip this year. I am beside myself as I was looking forward to meeting all of you. Over the last couple years I have come to know a few of you through the forums and even have developed a couple good friendships and I wish there was a way but it doesn't look like it. Now for the good news, which is my reason for not attending the Knott's show, It looks as if I will be starting a new job right around that time and I don't think that my new employer would understand me taking off for a couple days right at the beginning. This is an opportunity I have been waiting for about a year and a half to get. So with that said, have fun enjoy the time you spend with friends, and family and take lots and lots of pictures for those of us who can't make it. Above all be safe :drunk:.

1966 Mercury M100 Custom Cab 5.8L EFI/AOD
1973 Pinto Wagon Daily driver (For Sale in Classifieds)
1973 Pinto Squire 2.0EFI/Turbo

"Man is not FREE unless Government is LIMITED!" - President Ronald Reagan


Quote from: chrisf1219 on April 06, 2008, 11:05:57 AM
wow  only 14 more days till knotts  everybody ready to go ? a good utube video would be all of us pulling in to knotts together with a show of sheer numbers like that would be great! alberto ill try to stop at your house on the way down if i can leave early enough. ill have my car on a cardolly. i would like to see all your pintos as well as you.looking to see all of you and meeting some new members that ive never met.i am ready 2 weeks cant happen fast enough ;D chris in ca.
Hey Chris & all members.
Do not forget to stop by Albertos for the BBQ on Saturday.
Thomas is working on a cruze about 6pm.
+ stuffing goodie bags about 11am on saturday.
I'll have to do most of my prep-clean friday!!!!
From Pintony


Quote from: osiyo59 on April 08, 2008, 12:03:14 AM
Well, I have some good news ;D and some bad news :'(. I will start with the bad news first. It is looking like I won't make the Knott's trip this year. I am beside myself as I was looking forward to meeting all of you. Over the last couple years I have come to know a few of you through the forums and even have developed a couple good friendships and I wish there was a way but it doesn't look like it. Now for the good news, which is my reason for not attending the Knott's show, It looks as if I will be starting a new job right around that time and I don't think that my new employer would understand me taking off for a couple days right at the beginning. This is an opportunity I have been waiting for about a year and a half to get. So with that said, have fun enjoy the time you spend with friends, and family and take lots and lots of pictures for those of us who can't make it. Above all be safe :drunk:.


Hey Rob,
You zoop!!!!