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After the show after glow...

Started by Scott Hamilton, April 20, 2008, 07:20:02 PM

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Scott Hamilton

Spoke with Brad a few min ago...

There were 34 Pintos that showed up along with an actual Pinto Horse.. how cool is that?

I'm to understand that the 'Disco Ball' pinto made an appearance... MUST SEE the photos..

Post your photos guys... Sound like it was an EXCELLENT meet!!

Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


I just got home. Man that was a cool event. I will have a bunch of pic's up soon
Brad F
1972, 2.5 Turbo Pinto
1972, Pangra
1973, Pangra
1971, 289 Pinto


Just a glimpse of the Disco Pinto.
Brad F
1972, 2.5 Turbo Pinto
1972, Pangra
1973, Pangra
1971, 289 Pinto


Brad F
1972, 2.5 Turbo Pinto
1972, Pangra
1973, Pangra
1971, 289 Pinto

phils toys

looks like a very nice turn out and a lot of Great Pintos.
phils toys
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


THANX,for the great pics Brad.It must of been a blast
1972 Pinto 410,C-4


The reaction the Disco Pinto received was nothing short of astonishing. From time to time through out the show I would stand back and watch the the people gather around the front of the car in amazement. It brought a smile to most spectaters faces as well as tons of photographs. In fact I would speculate this was easily the most photographed vehicle out of the 1800+ in attendance.

71 Sedan, stock
72 Pangra
73 Runabout, 2L turbo propane


The Disco Pinto:
  I think there is a song in the making, "I fell like DRIVING..., Driving..., driving...    Yeaaa"

To everyone who brought their Pinto's:
Many thanks.  Given the price of gas your financial sacrifice is appreciated.   I enjoyed talking to you all.

To Fred:
Thanks for doing the pedal swap. All the best with your projects.

Show "moment":
When I introduced myself to Pintony and he thought I was the guy he had recently made "comments" about.  He stepped back and half seriously asked if I was going to take a swing at him.  :o
When I explained to him I wasn't that guy, but simply the guy who bought the white, '73 wagon out of San Francisco back in Oct. we had a nice talk about our Pinto's.  Sorry to bring it up, but from my perspective (I'm often thought to be "the other guy") it was amusing.

By the way, I just noticed in the pictures from Turbopinto72 that Pintony's car was in a handicapped space. I hope he didn't get a ticket!



I'm wondering about how the guy with the Mustang turbine/hurricane wheels on his Pinto managed to do it without rubbing his A-arms?
'80 MPG Pony, '80-'92
'79 porthole wagon, '06-on
'80 trunk model. '17-on
'98 Dodge Ram 1500
'95 Buick Riviera
'63 Studebaker Champ
'57 Studebaker Silver Hawk
'51 Studebaker Commander Starlight
'47 Studebaker Champion
'41 Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser


Man that disco Pinto cracks me up!!!!! Way cool. Pintony knows how to surf?????

The only Pinto I have
73 Sports Accent
Rust free California Car

Scott Hamilton

Ohh.. man.. THAT Disco Pinto is a RIOT!

I bet it got lots of attention....  THIS is so cool!!!
Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


It was a great show indeed, Got to meet acouple of the members here personally and such. And the Disco ball pinto... that was something else lol.

the photos off my camara :( not to good
1972 Pinto sedan (2.0L w/4spd)


It was a ton of fun. I posted all the pictures I took that day here: The guest password is........ wait for it..... " pinto  " lol. I took about 200 pics, so they are all there.

Quote from: dholvrsn on April 21, 2008, 01:38:50 PM
I'm wondering about how the guy with the Mustang turbine/hurricane wheels on his Pinto managed to do it without rubbing his A-arms?
I think your talking about me with the black wagon?   No spacers at all, they cleared fine, not by much though, I have about 1/4 inch clearance. I used to have them on a 80 hatchback and had to use spacers though.
1973 ford pinto wagon
1966 amc rambler 
1985 Mercedes 300 D, powered by used vegtable oil.
  hey I like being different! stop laughing now damn it or I'll sick the penguins on you !


Holy crap that was a busy weekend! From the week getting Thomas's baby blue pinto ready, to Saturdays bbq at my house and Leonards sweet welding of thomas's custom motor mount (pintozeal has pix), the 16 pinto drive to the show Sunday morning to the 34 cars at the show, I never sat for a minute! So I slept all day monday. That was a hell of a show guys! Thanks brad for the quiz, I dont know how I keep doing so well but I got another great shirt out of it! Great to see all the Nor Cal folks (like my uncle and cousin) and all the others that came from out of state! Bought some great parts off Fred and Mike plus Thomas and I got to show off out new pinto parts that we had made all for sale! What an amazing weekend! Thanks for the sign Scott!!! Here are pix I took:


The only downside was my poor sister was so sad that her car Hughie couldn't make it. We dropped a new drive line in the car a week before and we just didn't feel comfortable driving to fab fords with zero miles on it. Oh well, there is always next year!
I have many Pintos, I like them....
#1. 1979 Wagon V6 Restored
#2. 1977 Wagon V6 Restored
#3. 1980 Sedan I4 Original
#4. 1974 Pangra Wagon I4 Turbo
#5. 1980 Wagon I4 Restored
#6. 1976 Bobcat Squire Hatchback (Restoring)
...Like i said, I like them.
...and I have 4 Fiats.


Just wanted to drop a note saying how nice it was to be a part of the Pinto Team at Knotts! 

Enjoyed talking to some of you.  Had a nice little chit chat with Alberto.  I thought Larry from Moreno Valley was cool and was glad that he was able to get into the show!

Loved the Disco Pinto!  I think it was a favorite.

To Pintony, I thought it was very nice for you to bring those awesome patches.  Hope you had a safe trip.  You deserve props - I would not have done the long trip! (maybe in a back of a limo!!!!)

And a thanks to Brad for organizing the event.  It was flawless.  I know that it is a lot of hard work to make things come together so smoothly.

had a lot of fun,
Jennifer from Yucaipa

Anything to keep her runnin'!


You guys are not going to belive this!!!

Well, looks like the Disco Pinto was the car of the entire show!!!

I have many Pintos, I like them....
#1. 1979 Wagon V6 Restored
#2. 1977 Wagon V6 Restored
#3. 1980 Sedan I4 Original
#4. 1974 Pangra Wagon I4 Turbo
#5. 1980 Wagon I4 Restored
#6. 1976 Bobcat Squire Hatchback (Restoring)
...Like i said, I like them.
...and I have 4 Fiats.


All I got to say is " Stayin alive, Stayin alive "      :afro:
Brad F
1972, 2.5 Turbo Pinto
1972, Pangra
1973, Pangra
1971, 289 Pinto


Quote from: Pintopower on April 22, 2008, 02:23:41 PM
Holy crap that was a busy weekend! From the week getting Thomas's baby blue pinto ready,....."


that baby blue early model is gorgeous
the only substitute for cubic inches is BOOST!!!


I looked forward to this weekend for nine months, and from Friday night when I arrived at Barth's house to Monday morning when I left Alberto's house I had a BLAST!

1975 Wagon 8" C4 2.8 V6


It's all about the Pintos! Baby!

Scott Hamilton


Post this video on Pinto Clips so I can get in on the front Page!!



Alberto...  Got your message, you should have received 2 signs, guess one was lost in shipping.... Glad you were able to use the one... I can get another if you need it for next year- or if you need anything else...
Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


It's all about the Pintos! Baby!

Scott Hamilton

Yellow 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
Green 72, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
White 73, Runabout, 2000cc, 4Spd
The Lemon, the Lime and the Coconut, :)


 hey, nice to meet all you pinto guys, i have the black 71 v8 sedan, my name is Rory.. i thought my screene name was fontana motorsports, but it actualy was Boss Pinto.. oops..
71 Pinto sedan, 306/C4 soon to be T-5


Cookieboy- FANTASTIC video from a fantastic car show. It just keeps getting better and better.  There were many people who commented on how impressed they were with our turnout- they had never seen so many Pintos. Joe in Morgan Hill
1971- 289 V8; B&M C4; 9" with 4:11 posi. Several suspension upgrades and body modifications.
1974- 2.3L wagon,4-spd,totally stock. Medium lime yellow, avacado interior, 99k miles.
1972- 1984 Mustang SVO turbo; 5-speed tremec; 9" rear w/positraction; fiberglass front & doors; upgraded suspension.


another great job by cookieboy on the i was in charge of guarding joes redmustangman new air cleaner on his black pinto carbon  Fancy.  chris in ca.too bad knotts is over :(
77 wagon auto 2.3  wagons are the best and who knew I like flames on a pinto!!!!


Thanks Scott, Joe and Chris... I only wish I could have been there...

It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Amazing show wish I could have been there...too far!


Quote from: Pintopower on April 22, 2008, 03:40:16 PM
You guys are not going to belive this!!!

Well, looks like the Disco Pinto was the car of the entire show!!!

So SHINEY I had to wear my shades even at night!!!! 8)


I saw the video (wayyyyy later!) and I wonder... who's beautiful yellow Sport Accent Pinto is that!?
One can never have too many Pintos!