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Pre-Carlisle hard luck

Started by r4pinto, June 04, 2008, 03:06:32 PM

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It all started back in 2006 when my Pinto died on the way home from Carlisle. She had a plugged carb, and later on the tranny went south. The car sat mostly until late 2007. Fast forward to a week before Carlisle.

I finished the brakes a week earlier, got the interior pretty much back together, and removed the tranny. I noticed the flexplate was missing lots of teeth so I ordered a new one. In the mean time I pulled the bottom end off the engine & got the new parts in, painted the oil pan & bolted it up. This past Tuesday (June 3) I had class so I was unable to finish the tranny install. I picked up the flexplate from the parts store & remembered I forgot to pull the mount off the tranny. I went to remove it today, in the pouring rain when the rubber ripped clear in two. I can't get a replacement mount until Friday unless I want to spend 45 bux more for shipping than the cost of the part. While I want to get her to Carlisle I'm not wanting to pay $50 for a mount that would cost $8 otherwise. The new tranny site outside the car & the old one is beside it, so now I have a car that's not driveable, and the registration I paid for. I'm not a happy camper but will be there, just not with a Pinto. I just have to figure out costs for admission & parking now.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


If its one of the angled 'hockey-puck' looking ones I have repaired them by putting a 5/16 grade 8 bolt through them and a lock nut.

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


It's super easy and it works. Don't even try to center drill it, you can't; offset will do fine.

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


I couldn't fix the mount. It was too far gone. I looked at the mount & it's all cracked up. That, and my Dad wouldn't feel safe in the car. He doesn't want me to drive the car with a mount that was repaired, especially since it's all oil soaked from a bad rear seal & probably also the bad trans pan seal the car had when I got it.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Hey Matt,your dads car is a Ford right.If so use your entry for it.Just tell them the Pinto  didn't make it.Should not be a no problem.
05 Pigon Forge Meet, 06 Carlile Meet Coordinator 06-07 Carlile Regional, Brief Case Award (ask)


Matt, if the rubber is shot you could use some old rubber washers from the shocks. Just slide a bunch on the bolt between the stock brackets and put it together. You could also put a cheap ratchet strap around the tranny and tranny crossmember (I can't tell you how many demo derby cars that I have seen use them with no issues).

IMHO: The stock factory rubber ones are not as strong as a repaired one.

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


Quote from: pintoman on June 04, 2008, 05:52:21 PM
Hey Matt,your dads car is a Ford right.If so use your entry for it.Just tell them the Pinto  didn't make it.Should not be a no problem.

It was a Ford. He traded it in on a 2004 Chevy Impala this past weekend. Oh well these things happen, I just didn't expect one problem after another with the car.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Quote from: r4pinto on June 04, 2008, 08:47:36 PM
Oh well these things happen, I just didn't expect one problem after another with the car.

you gave it a good shot... sorry it didn't work out...

or give it a nights rest... you might figure out how...
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Yeah, you are right. It's frustrating since the car is sitting, unable to move. Unless a motor mount pops up somewhere mysteriously the car isn't going to get fixed, then I would still have a lot of work to do to get the car done. The car looks decent, but that's just proof that a decent looking car means nothing without a good driveline.

I even checked the junkyards to see if I could find one, but no luck.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Heyhave you looked at the 1979-87 Mustang 2.3 motor mount ? I thought they looked the same....A hockey puck or donut shape...


I checked & it looked different.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Have you checked NAPA or AutoZone?

Just take the part in, and see what they can match it up to...
'78 Cruisin' Wagon


No such luck. Besides, at this point it is hopeless to get the car back together to safely drive. I'd be rushing it & that aint a good thing.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


What a bummer!  But I agree with you... it's a hard pill to swallow, but sacrificing safety in a rush to get Harold II on the road could have disastrous consequences!  In my opinion, it's about the people more than the cars.  I'm going to be Pinto-less in Carlisle AND Tulsa.  There is nothing I would love more than to have my Pinto ready, but it's not and I don't foresee it being ready before the end of summer at the earliest.  On the other hand, six months ago, I didn't even own a Pinto and had no idea I'd get to put in an appearance in Carlisle OR Tulsa so I'm just happy to have that opportunity.  I'm looking forward to both trips, seeing lots of Pintos, and meeting some of the guys I feel like I already know from this site.  Maybe next year will find us with our Pintos parked side by side at Carlisle.  See you Saturday in Carlisle!
Dwayne :smile:
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


That's exactly my point. It's not a total loss as I know I won't be getting stranded on the side of the road, or worse. I do have some pix of her though. I figure I might as well show the progress she's gone through. There is a car show out by me on July 6 so she'll just be having to wait until then.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress