Forum > 2008, 4nd National Eastern Regional Pinto Meet Carlile PA- Archive
Photos From Carlisle---
Scott Hamilton:
A Big thanks to my wife Stephanie for taking these pictures and posting all the specifics of each...
Also a BIG thanks to Bill Rainey for hosting this year's show,;cat=3
Scott, it was a pleasure meeting you this year. It's been lots of fun, even though I didn't have my car. Proof positive it's about the people & not just the cars.
Scott Hamilton:
Matt- It was great to meet you and you Dad... Hope you get your car going for next year..
Absolutely awesome! Wish I coulda been there too...
phils toys:
Stephanie, you beet me to getting pic up . Great job with the pics.
It was a pleasure meeting old friends and making a few new ones.
Once again sorry we had to bail early :( but we did make it home safe
Phil, Katherine, and Celesta.
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