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Carlisle 2008

Started by 77turbopinto, December 14, 2007, 08:15:12 AM

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Dad & I got home about 20 minutes ago. We both had lots of fun, and if my ankles & feet weren't swollen last night & today I woulda had more fun.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


 thanx for th help. it was good to meet GOOD people. ran it up to Atco this morning to the musclecar / fastest street car meet and it's neat to hear peoples comments and see their smiles while they are pointing. . I would have run it down the track, but it would have removed everyones smiles waiting so long for it to get to the other end:-) , crossy
ehh ehhh ehhh FIRE! FIRE!


Hi all!
Sorry I didn't get a chance to really visit with anyone much at Carlisle.  By the time I made it to the PCCA area (many many thanks to Connie and her beautiful orange and white Pinto for the lift - I'm not sure we would have made it otherwise) there were few folks in the tent and the people around the cars all seemed pretty well occupied.  It was truly gratifying to see so many nice Pintos.  Other than my own, I haven't really seen one up close and in person for years!  I think it instilled some faith in my son, Cody, that my Pinto might actually turn out to be something special after all... just like I've been telling him all along!
The heat, as all of you know, was blistering, and was starting to take its toll on my buddy Charlie who is 71 years old.  Then too, I have a problem with my right foot that was aggravated by all the walking.  We migrated from the PCCA site to the picnic area nearby, and found a shady spot to rest.  I had intended to make my way back up to the Pintos before I left but it just didn't happen... I had a dinner date scheduled with my oldest daughter (she lives in Mechanicsburg) and had to get going. 
I'm going to aim toward getting my Pinto up there next year and fully participating in all the fun.  Thanks, guys, for keeping those ponies running!
Dwayne :smile:
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.


Afternoon all! This the first chance i've had to post since getting home very late Sunday night. It was great to see all of you again,wish it could be more often than once a year. Thanks to everybody who oversaw the event and to all who provided prizes/surprises(Harley). I would like to thank EVERBODY who voted for my car. And to all the folks who thought my car was good enough to tell Mr. Miller it was the nicest Pinto there,even over the own cars. THANKS so much again,I can't say enough about this group of people and their cars! I'll see all again next year at Carlisle,it can't get here soon enough!
Happiness is..Driving a classic Pinto


It was nice to meet you this past weekend. I agree it's a shame the meet is only once a year, but atleast we have fun when it goes on. I wasn't there when Mr Miller was around, but everyone is right, that car is one of the nicest one, if not the nicest one there.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress


Just wanted to say THANKS FOR EVERYTHING to all that were involved at the Pinto tent. My wife and I had a great time (dispite the heat ). It was very nice meeting everyone and talking pinto stuff with everyone. Its amazing how much you don't know when you talk to someone who does. I learned allot this weekend. Can't wait to do it again with the group. Next time, I'll be there on Fri and stay till Sun. It was so great to see all the extremely well done pintos. What inspiration I gained to do the next one. Now, just hide some more money from my wife, and start the next one !!!!! Just kidding, the next one is hers !  Thanks Steph, for the great picts. Hope everyone is OK after the heat and long rides home. God Bless and hope to see you all again soon.
  Byron and Kathy Miller                                       :fastcar:


GREAT SHOW  had a great time while we were their ,wife and kids enjoyed also . the heat was unbearable for our little guy or i would have stayed alittle later on Saturday, we had other problems and had to leave early . It was great meeting everyone .glad to finally put faces with car talk. I do see you must have you car there to even get a picture (just kidding) just makes me want to leave the wife and kids at home next time and bring the car. Hey Phil did your head ever stop swelling?  Wait hope to have my green 14000 original pinto there next to give Phil some competition  ;) very glad to meet all hope to see everyone next year.
we have a new addition to the pinto family
Hunter Daniel born nov 21 2006  5lbs 12.2 oz           


Hello all Pinto friends,or is that fiends?

First & foremost I would like to thank Bill, Connie, Brian, & anyone else that helped
me in my moment of weakness. It is people like you that make this world worth
staying in. My friend Ken Liff co-piloted Postalpony half way across Maryland, then
the fun began---The old man took over & let the string out, we had fun with the fast movers, as
they did double takes at this upstart Pinto  There was this 50mph long sweeper that
we entered above 75mph I just set the car & let it run,we came out the side,& Ken
made the comment --"This is like a slot car on a rail, no body roll at all."  Ken wheels
a very nice '88 turbo coupe he bought new that now has 250,000 miles & it still kicks it!
I have rested up after I got home & I feel fine.   Again thanks for your concern & all
the attention, I won't forget!!

                                 Dick Mathias        Postalpony
1980 Hatchback was a "Postal Unit" on the
west coast in it's early life. Now residing
in Ohio, But we don't haul the U.S. Mail anymore;
Now all we do is HAUL!
5th gear 4700 rpm & still pullin'= 113+  mph

UPDATE-83.762 mph in 4th gear As verified by a W Va State Trooper-WITH 1 GEAR TO GO 6-2-11



glad to hear you're doing well after Carlisle. Glad to have seen you again at the show.
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress



We were glad to see you vertical again on Sunday, and to hear that you are well again.

Bill and Connie
Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


I'm glad you are feeling better and that I could help.  You gave us a bit of a scare.  The best part was driving back from the UFO tent.  I got caught behind the honey wagon and was stopped in the mustang section for about 10 or 15 minutes.  It was poetic justice that after they all gave me the hairy eyeball, a Pinto turned out to be the president's celebrity pick. 

It sounds like your ride home was more fun than ours.  We hit some rain and tried to conserve fuel. 

Until next year.....
My car could get a job at Hooters, it's already got the uniform.