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Registration Details

Started by Original74, March 30, 2008, 09:52:25 AM

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Here are the registration details for this show. Please go to the following lilnk:

The above link explains online reqistration as well as downloading a registration form and mailing it in. I thought about making the form an attachment here, but thought it best to have you download from the official site in case something changes on the form.

Our class is 'OO' Special Interest 1965 and Up

Whether you register onlline or mail in a form, consider that the pre-registration aspect. Pre-registering is sending in a completed registration form or pre-registering online before the event. It is strongly suggested that you do this. Once you arrive in Tulsa, plan to register as soon as possible. Registration is when you pick up your packet and let them know you are here. I would suggest you hit one of the registration times as early as possible, just to have it done. Registration times are listed on the official site above.


There were a few questions raised about registration fees. If you plan to show a car in the car show on Sunday, you MUST do the following:

Select 'Registered Participant' on the registration form, cost is $35.00.
   Here is how the form reads:

Participant Registration......................______ x $35.00 _________
Registration Fees are per person and are your admission to all events, children under 12 free with adult.
(Must be a paid Participant to Open Track, Drag Race, Car Show or be a Vendor)

You must also select the following:

Car Show with Pre-Registration ONLY.......... _____ X $25.00 _________

If you read the above properly, you will understand that to show a car, it will cost you $60.00.

If you do not show a car but wish to be a spectator at the events: Hallett Open Track, Drag Races, you need to register as participant for $35.00.

If all you want to do is be a spectator at the car show, it is open to the public. There is no charge for being a spectator at the car show.

If you are not showing a car, you can attend the car show for free. You can pay $15.00 to watch the open track racing at Hallett and you can pay $15.00 to watch the 1/4 mile drag races at Tulsa Raceway Park on Saturday.


One of the unique aspects of this show is the organized list of events from Wednesday through Sunday. I had never seen road racing and a few years ago really enjoyed driving out to the Hallet track and watching. I met a guy who was running a turbo XR4Ti and felt a little 'connection' there.

Ask any questions you may have here and I will do my best to answer them.

Dave Herbeck- Missing from us... He will always be with us

1974 Sedan, 'Geraldine', 45,000 miles, orange and white, show car.
1976 Runabout, project.
1979 Sedan, 'Jade', 429 miles, show car, really needs to be in a museum. I am building him one!
1979 Runabout, light blue, 39,000 miles, daily driver


$60 bucks!That will teach me to bitch about the $35 dollars for last year.


  Thanks for spelling that out Dave that good info...this show is more than the event with the racing and car show... We'll have a Pinto only get together Saturday as well.  So if gas and adimition is too much we have other things to do on the cheap. Well worth the visit.



It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Right on Frank Boss.

We haven't spelled out all aspects of what's going on from say Thursday through Sunday.

Here is what I know is going on from a PCCA perspective....on my land, I will be putting up a 30' x 30' tent for us to gather under. I am just getting the road cut in and graveled today and tomorrow. This is what I am calling the PCCA meet, a place for us all to gather and gab, camp, and if Tony is there, tell lies.

If you drive and like to tent camp or sleep on cots in sleeping bags out of doors, this will be fun. If it is hotter than heck, it will not be so comfortable, but it WILL be fun! Next year I will have my house finished and things will be a lot nicer, but this year, this is all I can offer without everyone gathering at a hotel in Tulsa.

Any time, from Thursday evening through Sunday, any PCCA member whether they have a car to show or not is welcome to the festivities. I am going to smoke meat probably on Saturday Within walking distance, I will be renting a cabin that has full facilities for bathing, a few to sleep, whatever we need.

I know the cost to show a car is higher this year, but please understand i have no control over the show....we just participate when and where we want to.

I am footing the bill for the tent, food, is the least I can do since the rest of you have huge travel costs and I am thrilled to be able to do it.

Get your registration in very soon if you plan to put a car in the show. I will create a new post soon to see who all is planning to come.

Thanks in advance for your support,

Dave Herbeck- Missing from us... He will always be with us

1974 Sedan, 'Geraldine', 45,000 miles, orange and white, show car.
1976 Runabout, project.
1979 Sedan, 'Jade', 429 miles, show car, really needs to be in a museum. I am building him one!
1979 Runabout, light blue, 39,000 miles, daily driver


  The PCCA store will have freebees at the Tent most likely Saturday evening and will have shirts and other apparel for sale.
  PintoWorks will also Donate some swag and will unleash new products for purchase and viewing.

So Make a point to come if your a Pinto Fan Car or not.



I gotta tell you, I phoned Dave today and spoke with him, I am >so< stoked to get together with guys who want to talk about Pintos. Having owned three of them, and desperately wanting another, it's gonna be a blast for me on Saturday. I will have the wife and kid in tow - I know the wife won't get much out of it, but the boy is gonna get an education in Pintos.

And Dave - your hospitality is incredible; I'll say that even before it happens. Can't wait to meet some of you guys.

Dallas, TX
Restoring a 1976 MPG wagon - purchased 6/08


Cookieboy, I talked to Mike this evening about making the Tulsa journey again this year.  He said you "wouldn't make it this year."  Does that mean just not make it to Wichita on the way to Tulsa?  ...or not make it to Tulsa?

Mike and I  ...and Tony, are planning to parade out of Wichita Thursday morning.  I'm looking forward to pleasant weather camp at Daves place.  I'm bringing my  big old canvas tent in its big wood box  (that looks like a casket).  It makes Polly look like a hearse.  :laugh: 

Dave, your PCCA Conference Central facility sounds like fun.  I too am looking forward to meeting more of the Pinto family.

'74 red wagon "Polly" (owned since new)


Quote from: PollyAl on May 29, 2008, 11:17:28 PM
Cookieboy, I'm bringing my  big old canvas tent in its big wood box  (that looks like a casket).  It makes Polly look like a hearse.  :laugh: 

OMG! This! is amost enough to make me go. I want to something terrible but I can't come and play this year. I wish I could but... to many reasons I can't make it this year. With the place Dave has setup and missing the chance to hang out with everone again it's just eating me up.  :(
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Your hospitality is unmatched... the PCCA is lucky to have someone like you!  I live in Virginia but will actually be in Siloam Springs, Arkansas thru Thursday.  I have a committment in Dallas, Texas on Friday.  Don't know whether I can work it out or not, but might try to get over your way Thursday evening.  Can you either post (or PM) a physical address that I could program into my GPS Navigation system?  I've been itching to see Geraldine ever since I joined the PCCA last year in hopes of locating an orange '74 Pinto.  While my time there would have to be very limited, I would love the oportunity to meet some of the guys I've been corresponding with here.  Pintony tells me that he won't be arriving in Tulsa that early... maybe I should make a pitstop in St. Louis on my way to Arkansas and drop in on him!
Dwayne :smile:
Pinto Car Club of America - Serving the Ford Pinto enthusiast since 1999.