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2007 Carlisle photos

Started by phils toys, June 02, 2007, 09:40:03 PM

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phils toys

Here are the pictures and some info about each
First Thanks to all who helped United Ford Owners Trophies,and other giveaways, Frank at Pintoworks for t shirts (very nice Buy some from  him),Bill and Connie contacting Carlisle and Everyone I missed and do not know about
:drunk:  Cher's
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede

phils toys

So far this is not going well I will keep trying  lousey internet at hotel  I think the old dial up was better  :sorry:
phils toys
Ok PCCA Results
Best Modified: Brian - NoForKin Dragster
Best Stock: Phil 71 Mustard Yellow
Best Wagon: Phils toys 76 bobcat
Best sedan: John white sedan
Best in show: Brian  NofoKin Bright Yellow/Green
Old Farts Choice: Connie  orange Charlies angles Hatchback
Picture of cars to come later
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede

phils toys

2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


That works!!!  Excellant showing!!!! BEAUTIFULL CARS!!!!

Started with a Bobcat wagon. Then a Cruising wagon. Now a Chocolate brown 77 wagon. I will enjoy this car for a long time. I'm in. High_Horse


  Who is the Keeping the Seventies alive guy??? With the fever thing painted on the wagon panel?



Started with a Bobcat wagon. Then a Cruising wagon. Now a Chocolate brown 77 wagon. I will enjoy this car for a long time. I'm in. High_Horse

phils toys

High horse
His name is Tim  used to be taz themed wagon.I was going to get more pictures of his car  but got to busy. He has the disco theme  going very well inside the wagon as well.The custom wheel flairs are terrific
Phils toys
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


  Hey Phil, I just checked out the photos--awesome job, but I think
  you're camera has added several hundred pounds to my already
  blimpish figure. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

             good job   Dick
1980 Hatchback was a "Postal Unit" on the
west coast in it's early life. Now residing
in Ohio, But we don't haul the U.S. Mail anymore;
Now all we do is HAUL!
5th gear 4700 rpm & still pullin'= 113+  mph

UPDATE-83.762 mph in 4th gear As verified by a W Va State Trooper-WITH 1 GEAR TO GO 6-2-11


Long as you fit in the Pinto....Thats all that matters. ;D

Started with a Bobcat wagon. Then a Cruising wagon. Now a Chocolate brown 77 wagon. I will enjoy this car for a long time. I'm in. High_Horse


That just means there's more of you to love. I'm not complaining, I got a free boob job.

It was a great showing, Thanks to all that participated.  Thanks to Phil for posting the excellent photos.

My car could get a job at Hooters, it's already got the uniform.


I thought Scott was not able to make it???
Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.

phils toys

Connies Parade Picture was added to photos
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


Wish I coulda made it, but with the bad tranny & carb on the car, as well as losing my job I didn't have a reliable car or money. Might actually be selling the Pinto.. Dunno yet
Matt Manter
1977 Pinto sedan- Named Harold II after the first Pinto(Harold) owned by my mom. R.I.P mom- 1980 parts provider & money machine for anything that won't fit the 80
1980 Pinto Runabout- work in progress