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2007 All Ford show at Carlisle

Started by 77turbopinto, December 16, 2006, 07:58:20 AM

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tryin to post a pic of my 71


10 days to GO!!

Those that have been to Carlisle know about the parade on Sunday for the class trophy winners (3 per class, two Pinto classes). In an effort to have as many Pintos in the parade as possible, I am ASKING that if you don't want to participate in the parade, or can't stay for Sunday, please put a note on your car asking not to be voted for. I can not make anyone do this, again I am only asking. Last year we only had 2 in the parade of the 6 that could have been there. We know it is a pain to do the parade, but it helps our club as well as each member when we get in the puplic eye. The event staff will 'short-stage' any cars with overheating issues.

BTW: I have a few parts for sale in the for sale section. I can bring them if there is someone wanting them.

List for now:

NOS left front wheel lip molding for a 79/80
Driveshaft for a 72 wagon
      (45" o/c, can be used in a turbo or V8 car)
Orange plaid cloth
2 gauge clusters for 79/80 cars

Please check the for sale section for other items; I will see what else I have and add it to this list.

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


Hi Bill
Did you find out the car count?


There seems to be an issue wtih the registrations. Carlisle only says that we have 15, but there should be more.

I am not worried.

Just to let everyone know, Connie and I will be bringing/doing a bunch of stuff, and we would like the parking spots next to the tent. Thanks.


Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.

phils toys

2 more days of work before vacation  :fastcar: and away we go
phils toys
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


exspect scattered showers 30 to 40% chance all 4 days. Oh well it is Carlisle. See u all soon.
'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all.'


Hi all
I just got done getting all my parts together for the show. I will have 2 spots J169,J170 I have some pinto parts 72-76. I will be cleaning my car up for the show tomorrow. See you all at the show firday!!!


See you guys friday!
Everyone have a safe trip to Carlisle!!!!!!!
From Pintony

phils toys

Now my journey starts . See everyone in the morning
Phils toys
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


       And Away We Go ///Every 1 have a safe trip



Quote from: NoForKin on May 31, 2007, 05:57:45 PM

       And Away We Go ///Every 1 have a safe trip


Hope those Canadian Boys have their pasport???
From Pintony

phils toys

My son and I made it and motel has internet i will try to get some pictures daily
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


Good deal Phil,

           I am looking forward to some Pics. Thanx.

Started with a Bobcat wagon. Then a Cruising wagon. Now a Chocolate brown 77 wagon. I will enjoy this car for a long time. I'm in. High_Horse

phils toys

Here is one for now  we had about 13 show up today
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


  Good picture...lotta nice cars....What car did Pintony take?...He was undesided.

Started with a Bobcat wagon. Then a Cruising wagon. Now a Chocolate brown 77 wagon. I will enjoy this car for a long time. I'm in. High_Horse

phils toys

Pintony Brought his 72 Green (rollin  video ) pinto
Phils toys

2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


I would like to thank those who organized the 07' Carlise event this year Bill and His wife & whom ever I missed. I think you did a great job, we had a lot of really nice Pintos this year.  The giveaways were Great as well, Thank you  Paul (Kooter07)


Connie and I just got home.

We wish to thank everyone that helped us, and to everyone that was able to make it to the the show.

More later, I am going to bed...

Thanks to all U.S. Military members past & present.


Hi guys got home around 6:30,had a safe trip no problems. Rained like mad from the PA. border right until we got home. Mark and Tom had a great time,we'll be back next year for sure. Thanks to all who voted for the '71 for best stock from the club and the UFO club for sponsering the awards.And also thanks to the folks in Carlisle who also picked it as best stock. It made the trip even better! Thanks again and see you next year!
Happiness is..Driving a classic Pinto


I would like to thank Pinto 1600 for the use of his trailer on Thursday night.The throw out bearing went out on my way there from Ohio.I had a great time and Bill and Connie did a great job on this years get together.Phil can i use the trailer again,ditto on the way home,but made it back OK.This time no smoke from the dash.I will see everyone next year.
05 Pigon Forge Meet, 06 Carlile Meet Coordinator 06-07 Carlile Regional, Brief Case Award (ask)

phils toys

I made it home about safe last evening  All picture are now  uploade on photobucket and can be see under carlisle 2007 Photos Let me know if i made any mistakes so i can fix them.Also if any one would like a copy  i can sen it to you in an email that has not been resized.
Phils toys
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede


   Hello friends    :smile: :smile: :smile:
   My good buddy Ken & I just arrived home after a very wet,windy,
   & treacherous jaunt to Clarksburg, W Va., but after a good
   night's rest we had a beautiful run the rest of the way home.
   I would like to apologize for not being at the PCCA tent more
   than I was, but I made the mistake of bringing 2 cars in very
   different classes/areas, & I am getting too old to cover that
   much ground anymore.
   Thanks to Bill & Connie for a great job well done & thanks to
   any & all who took part. It was a great joy to see all my PINTO
   friends & trade stories [lies ?] again.

        Until next time, take care.   Dick Mathias  'postalpony'
1980 Hatchback was a "Postal Unit" on the
west coast in it's early life. Now residing
in Ohio, But we don't haul the U.S. Mail anymore;
Now all we do is HAUL!
5th gear 4700 rpm & still pullin'= 113+  mph

UPDATE-83.762 mph in 4th gear As verified by a W Va State Trooper-WITH 1 GEAR TO GO 6-2-11


we also made it home yesterday safely and would like to thank all of you for the great time rachelle and i had hope to see you all again soon

cudos to bill and connie
                                 NoForKin :2fast4u:


Thank you Bill and Connie for hosting the 2007 east coast meet!!!!!!
How do I access the photo bucket phil???
From Pintony

phils toys

Click on the link under the section 2007 Carlisle photos
2006, 07,08 ,10 Carlisle 3rd stock pinto 4 years same place
2007 PCCA East Regional Best Wagon
2008 CAHS Prom Coolest Ride
2011,2014 pinto stampede