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Tulsa Central Pinto Meet - Racer X, Thomas, and Pintopowers photos!

Started by Pintopower, September 27, 2007, 02:58:02 AM

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Hey guys, RacerX just gave me the photos that he developed. Thomas gave me a few from his cam so I am missing some. I took the best that we all had and then put them in order. I hope you guys like them! The entire trip was a blast.

I hope that link works
I have many Pintos, I like them....
#1. 1979 Wagon V6 Restored
#2. 1977 Wagon V6 Restored
#3. 1980 Sedan I4 Original
#4. 1974 Pangra Wagon I4 Turbo
#5. 1980 Wagon I4 Restored
#6. 1976 Bobcat Squire Hatchback (Restoring)
...Like i said, I like them.
...and I have 4 Fiats.


Hey Alberto, Excellent Pictures! Good to see some of 3 week blue 72 Build... and of you and Thomas at the track... Thomas is so lucky to have friends like you and RacerX...

Would you like me to make a video of the pictures you posted and post it in the Pinto Clips section of the FordPinto web site as well as my YouTube account...

It's all about the Pintos! Baby!


Great pics for sure!

The Purple wagon is incredable.. Those who've seen it in person know what I mean... One of my inspirations.

Good times


Re: The Purple wagon is incredible.. Those who've seen it in person know what I mean... One of my inspirations.

I've seen it and know what you mean... I loved that interior and it is one of my inspirations for the interior on my 77 wagon.

All the cars at the Tulsa Show this year had something to be proud of... High Horse's V8, Tony and Dave's Originals (my son's favorites), Thomas' 3 week 72 build, Alberto's red "Power" wagon, and that beautiful Purple wagon. Also not to be forgotten the ones who didn't enter their cars in the show but came to Tulsa... PollyAl's - bought it new - original 74, Dave's Lowest Milage Pinto known to exist as well as his other rides and projects, TulsaTurbo's Green Pinto and Pintaro's Yellow Wagon. We also got to see Gerald's old little blue car at the show as well and it should be mentioned too.

For me anyhow... it doesn't matter the condition or the amount of money spent on the cars... it's the personalities, the diversity of the cars and the love of our little Pinto's that makes this group so much fun to be a part of.
It's all about the Pintos! Baby!